
Showing posts from 2012

Rise of the Guardians

Hehehe. Yes, I did say that I WILL try not to be here so soon. But I find this too funny not to share. Hahaha. :P Guess who I had over for Christmas??? Everyone, introducing my two new bffs, Pitch and Sandman from the movie Rise of the Guardians! Say hi people! ROFL. And yes, those are the real cardboard cut outs you see in the cinemas. Complimentary of MBO cinemas Subang Parade. Hahahaha. Honestly! It's actually "beaver's dam" funny how we got this in the house. *Tsk, it's just going to clutter the living room.* My sister was so obsesssed with the movie, she went to ask them for the whole cut outs when it stoppped showing at the cinema. They relented after she argued that they wouldn't need it at all and they got it for free (Duh, to advertise the movie.) They wanted to charge her RM 50. Hahaha. Eesh. I actually thought she was joking until she lugged these in. Oh, another funny thing is, she could only take 4. That's all the car could fit...

Merry Christmas 2012

Hello all, Christmas is just around the corner. Just peep over to the other side and *boo*, Christmas is there waiting for you. Here's my Christmas prayer for each and everyone of you. Hey... the glittery thingie is actually moving... Hahaha. May God (not Santa) grant them for all of you, like how He has granted mine. Eternal protection. I will try to be missing for a while... I have a lot of things pending. I want to spend time with people I care for and miss. IF I do not come in here till next year, Happy New Year as well. God, give me strength to face what I will in 2013. Sigh. Grant me peace of mind once my decision has been made, please.

What A Week

A rough week, sort of. Been having really sleepless nights AND interrupted sleep. Monday night, I slept at 2am-ish, rushing my OB assignment. Yea yea, I procrastinated a bit. I got started the week before, then I got stuck at 2 pages and just couldn't think of anything to write to make a minimum of 5 pages. In the end, I did a 6-paged one. LOL. During the night, I unconsciously rubbed my right eye, thereby contaminating it with God knows what. Guess what happened when I woke up on Tuesday morning? THIS!!! Argh! An eye infection of sorts. Swollen eyeball. *wails* The feeling was so crappy. Dahla I have not been looking my best, I had this. Sigh. Took MC lo... Doctor said no TV or computers. I'm like "What?" And here I thought of catching up with housework doing the family's laundry while watching TV and he says no TV. :( Didn't go to work but I still went to class in the evening. I sort of slept it off with medication and woke up with reduced swell...

You Are Amazing

This is for all of you out there (plus myself, of course, :p).      No? Well, I'm telling you this now. You are!     So, don't let unnecessary negative words get to you. As they say, " The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high." Japanese proverb. Ladies too ok? Hahaha.   2012 ends in 14 days. Sigh.

My Exam Day

Boo yea! Unfortunately, this won't apply to me exactly. I have never had exams at night wei.... For the first time...! *sing song voice* Cheers to an exciting ending to the first semester! Oh goody... Exams are here. I just love 'em. Don't cha? *being oh so sarcastic* The time is near... :)

Thoughts as of 11/12/2012

I have a feeling that the judge will rule in favour of the plaintiff and us, being the defendants will lose the case in the trial... Noooo!!! A week more to prepare. Come on, defendants! About time we started to work as a team and stop bickering and ignoring among ourselves. Huh. SM says everyone in the group listens to me when I have something to say but they don't listen to her, so she uses me as a backup to voice out her opinions. I never notice, hmm... must test this theory out. I made a tollbooth guy laugh that day. Hahaha. What happend was this: I reached his booth to pay for toll (there goes my teh ais). The moment I stopped at his booth he yawned. I was smiling more to myself at the situation cause what went through my head was, " I AM that boring huh that you yawn at me. " I blurted out instead, "Mengantuk ye?" And laughed. He was caught by surprise I think. He was sheepish then he started laughing and said, "Ye mengantuk la." And k...

F & P

Some things are on my mind. Actually, a lot of things are on my mind. Too much until I have nowhere to put them and end up typing some here. For the first time of my life, I actually start to feel poor. *sad laughter* I didn't realize my scholarship application would take that long... Thought I would make it on time for the next semester but my timing was wrong. Bleah. Urgh....! So many things are due... I so wanted to keep the money for a trip next year but it looks like I have to scrap that. Mom keeps telling me not to worry, that I can depend on FAMA (father mother) loan for a while. No. How can I do that?? Santa, give me a windfall of sorts, please. I said please. See? Good girl. Hahaha. -.-' Lame. And also for the first time of my life, I am a bit concerned about my phobia. Not many people know about this cause it rarely happens. Only the "lucky" ones have witnessed it and can testify to the adverse reactions I have when my phobia c...

The Closing of a Chapter... Not.

It's the month of December now. The closing of another year, this time it's 2012. As I prepare to close this chapter of my life, the story I have written for 2012, I actually thought I would be closing another sub-chapter as well. Let's just say that I was very prepared to just sign off at the bottom of the chapter page, "Yours lovingly, Kathleen. The End." And start off with a fresh and clean page with a new chapter title. I was heading in that direction. I felt very tired, I felt drained. I felt like everything I did just didn't seem to be right. I felt I was being a pain in everyone's butt. I gave up and didn't want to give another thought anymore. Everything was crashing down and I felt like I was stuck in a sand pit. Everytime I struggled to get up, or I managed to shake off some sand, more sand was being thrown at me again. I was drowning in that sand pit and when I gulped for air, I swallowed sand instead. So, I ...

Good Competition?

Exams bring out the worst in people. No, scratch that. Not exams, but competition. I thought I had seen my fair share of it during my degree days in UTAR. But guess what, people? I was wrong. I am actually seeing it happen again at the postgraduate level. Now before you readers jump the gun and go shooting at me, saying, “Why are you so bunched up Kathleen?” I WILL tell you why. A Bachelor’s degree was deemed as part of the natural education progress, from Primary to Secondary to college or university.   Opting to take up a Master’s degree is your own choice, your own free will. It is different from Bachelor’s as everyone was fighting for the same thing, that same degree level certificate. It was seen as a must to land any kind of job (most jobs these days). So the competition there was understandable to me in the least. And how old were the most of us when we were pursuing that degree? 20 years old. We were young, not so mature and the only goal was to graduate. Fa...

IACT College Grad Showcase 2012

Hear ye hear ye! The senior class of Diploma in Creative Multimedia and Graphic Designing at IACT college is having their graduate showcase and exhibition. Ha what date? 27th Nov - 2nd Dec 2012 Time leh? 10am - 5 pm But where wor?  IACT College Gallery (Block K) Jaya One Can I bring my grandpa, grandma, second cousin, long lost cousin, father, mother, children, children's friend, kindergarten teacher etc etc? Sure, why not. Though honestly, it's mainly for future and potential employers looking for interns or, well, future employees. It's a showcase! You can see what the students have to offer, using their skills, knowledge and experience they have gained through the course and their God-given talents.   Flip through their portfolios. See photography, typography, digital illustration, webpage design, vector art (what is that?), packaging design and others (which I am too lazy to type out, bleah.) Cool 3D postcard.   See? There is even a QR co...

If I Can't Cry

Hello, how is everyone doing? Please be fine. Let me share something. I found a quote that describes a lot for now. Surprisingly. :) Well, this would describe how I feel for now.   "If you can't cry, try talking. If you can't talk, say nothing. But sometimes, talking brings on the tears. Tears say what you can't say. - Sylvain- Till then, goodnight all. And cross my fingers I don't fall sick. Haha.

I Am Back

Dear all, I AM back!! Bigger, faster and stronger than never before... Oopss.. wrong tagline. Heh. I want to get back my glow which I lost. That's me y'all! I want to stop looking so pale and deadly like a ghost with no makeup. Muahaha. I make a good ghost. :D This art image does scare me a little. I want to go back to like how I was before. Stop! Not that FAR back.... lol. I want to gain back my confidence and tell people who doubt me to "Go away". I want to start laughing again from the bottom of my heart. Uh... scary looking heart... hahaha. I want to pick myself up from the ground and continue this journey on the road which is less taken. I want to succeed in what I do, no matter how hard it will be. Been there and done that baby! I want to be myself. And, I want to have my dinner now. :D Dinner time! I know, and I believe that I can. I will see you when I see you and if I do see you. Sincerely, thank ...

Thoughts as of 14/11/2012

Nothing much to say... Don't think I did too well for my Accounting midterm. *shrugs* Life. Looks like my step on the LIFE chessboard game has got a lot of pieces tumbling down badly and wrongly. Life, again. *wistful smile* I did learn something though. Within this month itself. Amazing, it is. (Yoda!) Funny how rumours spread, how some things can become people's gossip when it is not even related to anything at all. *shakes head* Don't assume! When you assume, you make an ass out of U (you) and me. Brain shutting down..... Zzzz.....

Thoughts as of 06/11/2012

Deck the shop with tubs of protein. Fa la la la la la la la la la! *sang to the tune of Deck the Halls* Hahahaha. Christmassy mood. Soon. I am going to decorate my workplace with Christmas decos! Maybe hang a mistletoe somewhere and give all my customers a kiss! LOL. Just kidding. Honestly. Please don't come and expect anything. Please. Random thoughts of the day: Nearly got knocked down by a motorcyclist as I was crossing the road yesterday. Thank goodness nothing happened. It was really a close shave. Scared the crap out of me. Huh! Careless. Hostile takeover of iCapital... Why? I can't attend the AGM this Sat to vote. :( Though I really want to, would definitely be super interesting to witness both sides present their arguments on why we should swing our votes in their favour. Who wanna be my proxy? Hehe. Headache... Hurts a lot. I have a project coming up. Well, sort of. Nothing to do with work or studies. Just my own. A thousand word article on a topic...

Happy Halloween

It was as dark as night. Not a sound was heard, except the occasional crickets serenading the sleeping humans. She parked her car and got out of it quickly. Twice, she had heard of people being robbed right on that neighbourhood street. Carrying her handbag and laptop bag on one arm, she slammed the car driver's door using her right elbow and walked towards her rented apartment in tight, tense steps. A sudden gust of cold wind blew. Crumpled newspapers and aluminium tin cans rolled across the street in front of her. A dog howled somewhere in one of the backlanes. She felt chilled to the bone and quickened her footsteps. Suddenly, something caught her eye. There was a movement in front of her, hidden among the black shadows. She stopped dead track in her steps. Her heart began thumping in her ears. Trying to stay calm, she peered into the darkness, while reaching for her pepper spray in her handbag. The movement, as in sensing her presence, stopped m...

Many Hearts...

Many hearts are hungry tonight.   Many trapped in darkness yearn for the light.   So many who are from home and many who are lost…   Help me to begin where I am.   Help me love the people near to my heart.   Love the world through me, untill I have touched them all.   Forgive me for I know not what I did.   And do.   -Edited-

Accounts and Our Earth

I am going to shoot myself. FIFO, LIFO, Weighted average. How come I do not understand what I am reading? Matilah aku. Kena tembak depan pelajar-pelajar yang lain and pensyarah nanti. Those of us with no accounting background at all are struggling to cope with this subject. I can do this Kathleen. "It's elementary my dear girl." Urgh. Will await judgment day when we do our presentation this week. And bring back the scars of battle... If we ever make it out alive... Oh, by the way, have a look at the two world maps below. Can you spot the difference? Not the resolution or blurness of it, please.  Mercator Projection Hobo-Dyer Projection Hint: Check out the North America and Africa continent. Apparently, there were some politics going on regarding the map that was used. That it did not represent the true size of certain continents. As you can observe from both maps, the gridlines are there as a marker for size. In...

Inside Job

Too much free time on your hands? Watch this documentary to learn something about the financial world, IF, you are already not aware of it. It's called, "Inside Job". Movie takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes, but definitely a film worth your time. Main page: Video site: It could be happening right in your own country too. You never know.

I Forgot How To Study

Hello.... Yes yes, I know I have been missing for a while. I am alive and well, in case you were wondering. I just had to rethink some direction in my life. You know what? I do not know how to study! I have forgotten how to do it. Today, as I sat at my desk to read up on my coming midterm, mom came over to see how I was doing. I said, "Eh ma, I don't know how to study la.... How?" She laughed... Hai ya... The minute I sit and stare at my notes, my mind goes blank. I took chicken essence before I started. I end up sleeping on the sofa two hours later. Gah! No coffee. I become very jittery until my grip on the pen becomes unstable. This cannot do Kathleen! I don't know how people can do it. I don't know if I can do it. I hope I can do it. I better be able to do it. I want to do well in this paper cause it was one of my strengths during Bachelor's. And by the way, I dislike e-book. Nothing compares to the good old paper books where we c...

A Heartfelt Letter to God

Dear God,   Thank You for the weekend that I had. It was awesome. Thank You for teaching me so many things today.   Thank You for the two customers who made my day. One wants to buy me a drink if he comes to KL, the other said he liked my style and wants to look for me for more guidance for his nutrition intake. I never expected anything. I was just really being myself, on the phone and in the store. I wasn't trying to impress anyone at all. Yet, I must have, in a way. :D   Thank You for helping A with his addiction. I didn't realise that he really took my advice to live a better life, to stop his constant battle with a certain issue. He thanked me for listening today. That was all I did. I just listened.   Dear God,   Thank You for making me see that I am perfect in a way too. I am not hot neither am I pretty like a model. But I AM perfect.   I have two legs that can walk, run or even squa...

I Am Hungry

"I'm hungry." These two words are frequently becoming etched into my daily vocabulary. No idea how, but I lost weight, unconsciously. Sigh. My eating habits are bad. Lunch is at 3pm. 4pm sometimes even. Dinner? Hahaha  I end up taking it at 10.30 to 11.00 at night after class, when I get back home. And it's not a full course meal. Just some soup or even a protein shake. In between classes, I do try to grab a healthy bite. But, it's a uni. How healthy can they get? Fried mee, curry puffs, the likes. Chocolates.... hahaha. I am really trying to have healthier eating habits especially since I will be juggling a lot of stuff at one go. I cannot afford to not eat well and become sick. I cannot afford to let my mom worry about me cause there are so many things happening in the family as well. I have a Snickers bar  in my handbag which I carry along for emergency purposes. Hahaha. Hungry? Grab a bite. Have a Snickers. (Sth like that.)   Mouth-wate...

Wake Me Up

Wake me up... when September ends. -Green day- Wake up!!! It's October now. And to start off this month, let me begin with a question. "What is the biggest lie ever created or invented in the whole world?" Think of your own answer first before seeing the one that I have. Don't cheat. I asked this question to a few people and I got interesting ones as well. One was, "I have read all the terms and conditions..." Hahahaha. I so get this. Seriously, how many of us actually take the time to read all terms before checking the box and pressing submit? Maybe some of you do, I don't. Guilty as charged. The other was, "Lol." Hahahahahahaha. It depends on each user. I'm sure some of us are really laughing out loud when they use lol. I do too. But I prefer to do this : hahahahahaha. Cause lol is not enough for me to express my crazy laughter at something hilarious. Have you ever wondered what your expression is like when you use lol? D...

FIrst Step into Studying

Argh.... I can't seem to blog about my trip. I started my first week of studies, by the way. Three classes every week. First lesson of Managerial Economics itself, class was cancelled and my class wasn't told. We only found out past 7pm. Eesh. We have two evening classes, one was lucky enough to have their lesson, my class was not so lucky. However, instead of going home, I popped over to join the other class for this subject. No harm in learning a repeat of what you heard right? (I'm so hardworking.... right...) I went there all the way for my studies, so I might as well.... And yes, my new phase of life, is going back to school. Not getting married, not having babies, not having grandchildren. Hahaha. Going back to school. These words make me feel like a grandma.... Back to assignments, group work, midterms and final exminations. Now, the social circle does not only involve bosses, senior managers, and colleagues. It also involves lecturers, classmates...

In Between

Oh my gosh *drama tone*... I don't know where to start. My Thailand trip or my start of a new phase of life. :D Both events happened near to one another. It was a bit of a mess, actually. I was busy getting ready for my new phase, I left all my packing to the very last minute before I was due to fly. Hahaha. But at least I brought everything I needed, unlike CL who left her comb and haridryer. Lol. And no luggage tagged wrongly. That was my worst nightmare. Stuck in a foreign country and your luggage gets tagged with another passenger's. Old story . My trip to Thailand came at the right time, though at first I was warped with a lot of doubts. Sometimes, being away from all things that are familiar, gives you a different perspective in a lot of ways. I needed it to change. Why? Because during my trip, I realized a few things. I have no idea why, but my confidence must have really slipped to an all time low. It was very apparent it seems, that even people I mee...

Anxiety 101

I should most probably be sleeping by now. But I can't. I have been having sleepless nights for the past few days. Every morning, when I wake up, I feel as if I didn't sleep the night before. Anxiety, worry, nervousness, fear. All these just seem to be very jumbled up inside of me now. Argh!!! I don't know what to feel...

Fried Rice Version 2

I cooked dinner!! Muahaha. Mom and dad weren't around for the weekend. They packed their bags, left the country and ran away from us, leaving the three of us to fend for ourselves. Lol!   So, I decided to put my cooking skills to the test. (Partly because I was tired of eating out.) Head knowledge and skills..   And this is what I came up with...   Voila!  Kath's seemingly burnt fried rice.    Fried rice. Not your typical fried rice... because I used brown and red rice instead of white rice. So it looks kinda dark....   As I was eating this dish, I realized the mistakes that were made.   No.1: Too much water was used to boil the rice, thus it was very lumpy and hard to break apart in the kuali. No. 2: I wanted crunchy ikan billis to munch on. I should have taken them out after getting enough of its flavour into the oil. Instead, I continued frying it with the rest of the ingredients and my delectable snack became...

Lee Priest in Malaysia.

Ok, a diversion from my usual posts. Hahaha. This post is so not my usual style.   I am pretty sure serious gym goers would have heard of the company EGOnutritions, known for short as EGO. I know my friends do. Good nutrition, good body, all the good reasons for your ego. Bleah.   For all you guys out there, this is a rare chance of a lifetime to meet him. Who is he? Lee Priest , of course. He will be in Malaysia very soon.   Check this out >   You would pay RM 250-RM 500 to watch your favourite singers perform live on stage right? Yet, you most probably don't get to see them up close nor get their autographs nor get to take pictures with them. All you can do is take pictures OF them from afar... And they end up so tiny and blur on your cameras. :(   Well, EGOnutritions is bringing Lee Priest to you. And guess what? You can actually get to take a good picture with him. ...

Grammar Nazi - Part 1

OK, grammar Nazi time... Honestly speaking, I am not an English expert. Subjects like phonetics or the origin of the English language are not known to me as I do not have a degree in English. However, my English is good enough for me to spot mistakes that either make you want to cringe or sit the offending party down to an intensive English language lesson! The pictures below are mistakes that I see nearly everyday. These belong to a property developer company. Browse through the pictures below. The mistakes are so glaring that I really do not understand how such error can occur from a company like them! What does having a fully equipped fitness centre got to do with being "energetically"? First of all, the usage of the word energetically is wrong. Even the word energetic is already wrong in this context. You do get the message that they are trying to convey, but it makes you (or me rather) go "Energetically what?" This is an easy exa...

About an Eulogy

Just a quick one for today as I am still in the midst of creating and editing two posts. One, is where you will get to see me become a grammar Nazi and another one, which is more descriptive. I need time to describe...hahaha. You can anticipate these two. :) Ok, if I were to ask you my dear friends, to write an eulogy for me, now, while I am still alive, can you do it??? According to dictionaries, an eulogy is a speech or writing praising a person , especially  in honor of a recently   deceased person. Presenting an eulogy is good, in fact, it is one of the hardest things to do at the funeral of a loved one.  Most of us will find it hard to hold back our tears as we speak of the ones we love. My question to you is this: Why do we praise and say good things about a person after he or she has passed away? Can the deceased person hear you? Will he or she know how you actually feel or think about them? No, right? Then why do we do...

Who You Are

Hello all, Awww... Isn't this cute? I find it very true and meaningful in a way. I love the way the guy's face was drawn in the last picture. Hahaha. An adorable, satisfied kind of look. This is dedicated to all you guys out there (and girls too) who seem to find themselves not good enough for the other or another.  How do you know you are not good for the other and why do you say so? There must have been something in you that attracted the other person to you in the first place, right? For those who lack self confidence, well, I can't say much. Hahaha. I know how it is. I struggle with it too. But, why compare ourselves to others? ("Smart" words coming from me, bleah.) It's like comparing a fish and a bird. Fishes swim, birds fly.  Fishes die in the air, birds drown in the water. Right? (Hmm... but both are eaten by cats, ooppss, wrong comparison, LOL!) Yea, soo.... :D So, I sincerely wish the best for all of you out there, who ar...

Be Safe

Ladies and gentlemen, In view of all the recent crime incidents, robberies, car smash ins, murder attempts etc. please be extra vigilant in whatever you do. Be it crossing a simple junction, Walking from one shopping centre to the one next door, Getting into/out of your car, In your car at the traffic light junctions, Withdrawing money, Parking into your house compound, Shopping malls, Carparks, Toilets. Be very careful and alert. I am not going to tell you how to defend yourself. We may all learn this by heart but when the time comes, panic often overcomes our rationality and we react accordingly. Girls, we can no longer assume that we will always be ok wherever we are. I thought I did. I was wrong. Today, as I was walking from Subang Parade to Carrefour, something happened that chilled me to the bones. It was a bit of a wakeup call that made me realise that I am also vulnerable. I was calm outside but inside I was panicking. Good thing t...

My Knight Piece

Woke up at 715 am today and the first word that came out of my mouth, was "Shit." (I was late.) Man, I have to watch what comes out of my mouth. Funny how my friends try to say nicer sounding bad words when I am around. Instead of bitch, they use evil woman. Hahaha. That's a different story. Today is another. Remember how I used a game of chess to relate to life and ourselves in a post? Well, I am making a move in MY game of chess now. A big move in fact. I am moving my knight piece instead of my pawns now. But truth be told, I am not sure how smart this move would be. Will LIFE's knight or castle or bishop piece take over my knight? I have fears that this move will be shooting myself in my own foot. That not only will my knight piece get taken away, but because of that step which I chose to take, other pieces on MY chessboard will suffer terribly as well and get eaten. Well, it's too late for me to turn back now. That step is alre...

A Play on Language

Shakespearean Drama Overload Keyword = drama O my sweet love, where hast thou headeth to? Taketh me along, leave not thou, thy love forlorn. Malaysian Slang Keyword = you Eh, where you going? Take me along la, don't leave me here alone leh. Queen's English Keyword = think British accents Oh and where are you off to? May I come along? I do not want to left here alone. *inspired by a comic strip* Doesn't it sound almost exactly like what the people would do in the situations above? Hahaha.

2012's Resolution

When the year 2012 first started, I had no idea what my resolutions were cause I never make any. But as days went on, I finally had an idea of what my resolutions were going to be. Yay! Actually, scratch that. My resolution. No 'S'. Not plural but singular. Hahaha. My resolution was, is and is to experience new activities, interests as much as possible. Once a month I thought. Half of 2012 is gone and I would say that it has been quite a fulfilling first half of the year. Joy! I made a lot of new acquaintances, friends. I went for a live comedy show at PJ Live Arts in Jaya One. I went for a live musical performance at Sunway Lagoon (finally...). I helped out at a kindergarten's sports day. I took the pic below, aren't they adorable?? I climbed Mount Kinabalu!!! And made it almost to the top. Hahah. Cert says I did. :P I made myself get out of my comfort zone a few times. Overboard I think, till I panicked. Tsk tsk. The secon...

Mount Kinabalu: Things to Get for Your Trip

 Well, hello! I am going to be a good samaritan and share with you MY advice on what and what not to pack if any of you out there are planning a trip to conquer Mount Kinabalu. 2012 seems to be the year.... hmm... Please don't be a blur sotong and procrastinator like me. I only started packing the weekend before I was due to fly. -.-'. That's why le. No. 1: Get a tracking pole , tongkat la in other words. you won't regret it. I certainly didn't though I didn't want to at first. You can rent one at the Kinabalu Park for RM 10 or buy one for RM 19.90. I bought mine at Tongs' Traveller Suite , Suria Sabah. (Psst... I can lend it to you for RM 10 too! Hahaha.) Oh, by the way, our tour guide said that Suria Sabah is like Suria KLCC. But I didn't see it. The mall was empty. Fine, it was empty at 11am. Suria KLCC would be teeming with life though. The Stick of Life... No. 2: All climbers would be telling you the same thing. Get Adida...