What A Week

A rough week, sort of.
Been having really sleepless nights AND interrupted sleep.

Monday night, I slept at 2am-ish, rushing my OB assignment. Yea yea, I procrastinated a bit. I got started the week before, then I got stuck at 2 pages and just couldn't think of anything to write to make a minimum of 5 pages. In the end, I did a 6-paged one. LOL.

During the night, I unconsciously rubbed my right eye, thereby contaminating it with God knows what. Guess what happened when I woke up on Tuesday morning?

Argh! An eye infection of sorts. Swollen eyeball. *wails* The feeling was so crappy. Dahla I have not been looking my best, I had this. Sigh. Took MC lo... Doctor said no TV or computers. I'm like "What?" And here I thought of catching up with housework doing the family's laundry while watching TV and he says no TV. :(

Didn't go to work but I still went to class in the evening. I sort of slept it off with medication and woke up with reduced swelling. Thank God. If not, I'll be doing my presentation with a very red right eye. Our presentation ended at 11.15pm. By the time I got home, it was almost 12 midnight!!!

That night itself, I had two very special guests sleepover at my place. E and her baby!! *Whee...!* They spent two nights in my room. Tues and Wed, cause it's big enough to accomodate E and her baby.

And I tell you, having a baby, is no joke. And that is why teen pregnancies are NOT supposed to happen. *lecturing tone* The night was fine, however, in the wee hours of Wed morning, in my deep sleep, I heard a baby cry.

First thought, "Why is there a baby crying in my room?"
I ignored the cries and put my bolster over my ear to shut off the sound and go back to sleep. *bad aunty*
Cries were heard again.
"Oh right... E is here with her baby, sleeping in my room." Second thought. "E will take care of her."
Tries to sleep again.
Baby cries again, this time, louder.
"Huh?" Then I heard water running in the bathroom. "E's in the bathroom!"
I shot up and scooted over to the other side of the bed to pick up the baby.
I'm amazed that in my sleepy state, I knew the technique to pick up a baby from the bed. Hahaha.
She wet her diaper....My turn to cry now.
I carried her around the room, comforting her while waiting for E to come out. That was 6am-ish..

That interrupted sleep made me very tired on Wed itself. However, it only took a toll on me as I drove to Uni. Stuck in a slight jam, I so lethargic I had to close my eyes,WHILE driving. Reached campus earlier than expected, decided to take a nap in the car. I slept for 30 minutes!! *shakes head*

Wed night was fine again. E and baby slept soundly. Then, at 5am-ish on Thursday, baby cried again. E had just fed her and put her down on the bed as E needed to go the bathroom. Babies, when fed and feeling all comfy will start to get sleepy. And sleepy babies are cranky. She didn't like to be put on the bed. So I went to carry her in my crazily tired state.

I carried her and cuddled the little one while walking around the room, trying to get her to sleep by rocking gently. E was bathing. Sang some silly lullaby too as I couldn't think properly at that time. Hahaha. She finally fell asleep in my arms, yay!

And I got to continue my interrupted sleep again. Sigh.

And yes, this is a tiring week. Bleah....


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