F & P

Some things are on my mind.
Actually, a lot of things are on my mind.
Too much until I have nowhere to put them and end up typing some here.
For the first time of my life, I actually start to feel poor. *sad laughter*
I didn't realize my scholarship application would take that long...
Thought I would make it on time for the next semester but my timing was wrong. Bleah. Urgh....!
So many things are due...
I so wanted to keep the money for a trip next year but it looks like I have to scrap that.
Mom keeps telling me not to worry, that I can depend on FAMA (father mother) loan for a while.
No. How can I do that??
Santa, give me a windfall of sorts, please. I said please. See? Good girl. Hahaha. -.-' Lame.
And also for the first time of my life, I am a bit concerned about my phobia.
Not many people know about this cause it rarely happens. Only the "lucky" ones have witnessed it and can testify to the adverse reactions I have when my phobia comes in full force.
It rarely rarely happens, but, it happened in class last week. Just my luck.
I broke out in cold sweat, had my head on the desk, trying to get my blood back to my head.
I felt like fainting.
My classmate got worried cause according to her, I had gone very pale and my lips had turned blue.
Thank goodness I didn't just crash in class....hahaha. That would be "exciting".
*shakes head*
Girl, you got some serious problems... :)
Gotta go, ciao muchachos.


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