Thoughts as of 11/12/2012

I have a feeling that the judge will rule in favour of the plaintiff and us, being the defendants will lose the case in the trial... Noooo!!! A week more to prepare. Come on, defendants! About time we started to work as a team and stop bickering and ignoring among ourselves. Huh. SM says everyone in the group listens to me when I have something to say but they don't listen to her, so she uses me as a backup to voice out her opinions. I never notice, hmm... must test this theory out.

I made a tollbooth guy laugh that day. Hahaha.
What happend was this:
I reached his booth to pay for toll (there goes my teh ais). The moment I stopped at his booth he yawned. I was smiling more to myself at the situation cause what went through my head was, "I AM that boring huh that you yawn at me." I blurted out instead, "Mengantuk ye?" And laughed.
He was caught by surprise I think. He was sheepish then he started laughing and said, "Ye mengantuk la." And kept laughing even while giving me back my change.
I drove off with him still laughing in the tollbooth. I was amused myself too. But actually, I do not know what's so funny. Hahahaha. Do you?

Movies I want to catch: Alex Cross and Les Miserables.
I asked around that day. No one seems to know who Alex Cross is. How can you not know who Alex Cross is?? He is one of the main characters in James Patterson's thriller novels. Do you know who James Patterson is?? No? Am I the only one who does? :( Sad. 
Ok fine, but does the movie title Kiss the Girls sound familiar? 
Ah-ha! That, my dear friend, is based on the novel written by James Patterson. Hehe.

I was lucky enough to read through a few pages of this novel while in KK, after our torturous climb. LOL. This movie isn't being promoted much. Only knew about it as I glimpsed a poster of it at one of our neighbourhood cinemas.

But my exams are coming.... Eesh.


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