Of Vampires and Werewolves

I've never really been an ardent fan of the Twilight series(boo...says you). And I have no idea why some girls go gaga over Edward the vampire. He looks so paste-y with the bloodshot eyes (yea yea he's supposed to look that way). And bleah! I think he looked way hotter in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire as Cedric Diggory. That, I can go gaga. But in Twilight??? The romance between Edward and Bella is fine. Romantic, mushy and cliched. Heh. But there's nothing much for me to shout about. (Sorry to the ardent fans, esp to my three sisters. Ha.)

This year, the next sequel in this series is about to be released tentatively in November. Known as New Moon, the title is definitely appropriate since the werewolves play a bigger role this time. I didn't read any of the books in the Twilight series though my sisters finished the whole lot of it. So there's no doubt I have no idea of what's going on in the next book. But judging from this trailer of the next sequel, there are a lot of things going on. I love yous, you love mes. You leave mes, I kill myself so I can be with yous. I love you but you love the guy next doors, I'm better for yous and vice versa. Hahaha.

On a note, I'm not super duper against Twilight, just not that super duper into it.
On a naughtier note, I find the werewolves (in human form la... duh, I don't like fur k?) to be super hot!!!

Hahaha. Enjoy!!!
Oh ya, I got the vid from theblemish.


chian said…
i'm a HUUUUUUGE fan of twilight!!!!
Kath said…
Serious??? I didn't know that wei...hahahah. Ain't the trailer cool?
JeNz said…
*high fives* I'm not into twilight at all too...it's just too...boring and edward is not even hot...he's pale and got this stuck up look like always out to look for a fight.


(i can't even finish watching twilight....)

btw kath, u've got any good books to lend?
Kath said…
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Kath said…
Books... Hm... I have a few. like Jeff Deaver, John Grisham, Jodi Picoult.
Hahaha. I didn't know that the show was that bad...hahaha.
Kath said…
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