
Walked to Parade for work today.

Got caught in the early morning drizzle.

Silly flimsy umbrella flipped backward due to strong winds.

Kept closing and re-opening it.

Guessed I must have looked pretty stupid with the umbrella.

Reached Parade a bit damp. And a mess.

Cold, shivering, cold.

Waited in the bank for 30 minutes. Started to make airplanes with my ticket number.


Got stepped on by an over-enthusiastic lady.



Thinks that some people should really learn to grow up and be more matured. Stop dissing and putting people down. Don't start that whole episode again.

Am going to blackmail somebody if he doesn't watch it....heh. Stop it with the gross descriptions!!!

Still cold.

Oh ya, though you may not see this, "Happy Birthday!" To my dearest dearest Godpa. Hugs. :D


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