A Story

Once upon a time, there was a little girl.
She believed that the world was good.
She believed that everything was fair and just.
She believed that love lasts forever.
She believed that everyone could live in peace and harmony.
She believed that everyone was a kind soul.
In a nutshell, she believed that the world was beautiful.

But as she grew older, she realized somethings.
She realized that the world was not good.
She realized that life would never be fair or just.
She realized that love did not last forever. In fact, it does not hold on much at all.
She realized that people could never live together in peace or harmony.
She realized that there were evil and despiteful people out there.
In a nutshell, she realized that the world was just an ugly heartless sphere.

However, as she matured, she found out why.
She knew why the world was not good. Because the people living in it did not take care of it.
She knew why life was never fair. Because people had no sense of integrity and dignity.
She knew why love could not hold on. Because people had no place in their heart for genuine love. Their hearts were filled with other things like money, sex.
She knew why people were always fighting. Because people did not have trust or faith in themselves. They did not trust other people.
She knew why people were being evil and despiteful. Because they have not yet experienced love and kindness from their own mankind.
In a nutshell, she knew why all the above was happening.

It's because of us. Us humans, us people.
Us who destroy ourselves and the world in which we live in...


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
In a nutshell, it is supported by a verse in bible Romans 3:23, NIV version saying "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Therefore, all things may pass away but the word of God will live forever. Amen.

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