To Mr. KT

This post is written in honour of (no, scratch that), is written with the objective to give someone a piece of my mind. (Want my cerebrum or medulla oblongata?) Firstly, this person complained that I did not update my blog often enough. Then he said, "Kenny Sia updates everyday." Yeah right, it's not everyday la Tai Kor! And why compare me to him? I'm so tiny and puny in the blogsphere. Heh. Anyway, I'm super busy and super tired and has had no inspiration whatsoever to blog about anything till today. (Thanks to somebody...)

Before I go into the second part, for all those who have yet to hear about it, (it's been publicized in her FB), my sister, Eileen is now formally engaged to her sweetheart of six, seven years. Congrats to my dear dear sister. Finally, eh? Hahah.

The second part is related to this. Not referring to my sis, but me. Our good friend who complained that I don't update often, had the gall/balls (Grr...) to 'insult' me. When I shared with him about Eileen's engagement, he went, "You leh? Left on the shelf adi..." He went on to say, later I'll end up like all the other spinsters who come together and gossip. He said I like to gossip. As if la!! He's more like it... hahahaha. I know all your dirty little secrets. :P I don't gossip as much. I start rumours!!! Hehe. Kidding people.

The point is, I want to debate what you said mister, cause I had no time to retort back on the phone and MSN. Just because my sister (who's a year younger than me) could be getting married in one or two years time does not necessarily mean I'll end up as a spinster. Hello??? I'm only 23 years old. (Still young k? - denial state) There's still time. Just because I'm single for now, does not necessarily mean I'll remain single forever. I mean, things could just happen when you least expect it. Right? Right. :D

For all you know, dear Mr. KT, I'll get married sooner before you do. And it won't be a shotgun marriage or any sort. So there! Bleah! Wanna bet on that?? *mischievous grin*

I'm gonna give you hell (heaven also can la) when we next meet up. Jenny and Lin can help me too. (Identity exposed!) Then forever and forever this phrase will be in Mr. KT's mind,

"Remember remember, the 5th of September!" (Instead of November.)

Hahahahahaha. Revenge is indeedy sweet. You know you 'love' me. :D

P/S: Can't believe I have a post 'dedicated' to you. You know who you are! Cheers!


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
quoted from my friend "enjoy your singleness as you can :), because once you are in relationship, your are tied to each other, you will think of the other half when you are free even for a second"

Anyway, I'm sure your time will come, and I believe God will surely show you the suitable man for as your lifetime partner when the time comes. :)
~Kelvin~ said…
yup yup...u'll have a man for u...when ur 80...hahaha...hugs my dear spinster...
JeNz said…
no worries kath, i'll back u up and mess up mr KT's lil' room..ngek ngek ngek
Kath said…
Thanks Tee!! I know God does..hahaha.

Kelvin: I'm waiting to see who gets married first!

Yay!! Thanks Jenny. Let's all sneak into his room and mess it up! Hehe.
Anonymous said…
Mr KT = Kelvin Tan? .....
neko said…
haha...this is so damn funny.... XD
anyway, i missed the gathering... sorry for that...
Kath said…
Don't worry.. I'm sure there are other chances of meet ups and 'bashing' of one another..hahaha

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