Girls and Their Reflections

I bet about 95% of the world's female population does this.
RM 5 says it's true!!

Almost every girl that walks past any store's glass windows will definitely check themselves out.
Some will do it discreetly (*ahem* like yours truly), with the sideways glance at their own reflections. If there seems to be anything wrong with our hair, clothing, we will discreetly adjust it once we move away from the glass windows. Hee hee.

There are also those who do it pretty obviously. They walk past, stop, untie their pony tail, finger-comb back their hair, tie it up again and give their ponytail a little pat down (Some may even pull their fringe down). Then they smile at their reflection with a tilt of their head and off they go. Smiling happily as they know they look perfect! Haha.

So guys (and girls), do not think that the girls are checking you out even if they seem to be smiling at you (You can stop holding your breath now and let that tummy show). They are also NOT checking out your products that are on display (Ok, that came out wrong...). I mean the store products!! You know what I mean.

Another thing which, again, almost every girl will do is this.

Real scenario:
Meow and I walked through the home section in Tesco (next to Curve) last Thursday.
We passed by some full-length mirrors that were on sale.
Me: "OMG, I look so fat la!!"
Meow: "Huh... I look fat too."
Then we stare at our reflections for a while and continue shopping.

True leh??? Hahahaha.


neko said…
so that darling you mentioned was me... XD
chian said…
hahahahha! Yeah I think kath you do check yourself out EVERY TIME you see a mirror =.=

Kath said…
>Neko: Hmm... not really. I meant a guy. Hahaha. Really not going this Sat?

>Chian: Okla, maybe I phrased it a bit wrongly. ALMOST every time... hahaha. I also don't check out myself every single time leh.. so free meh.. Will observe you next time we go out, see whether you check yourself out or not.. hahah.
chian said…
noooo don't observe me!! i shy
Kath said…
Really meh? You, shy? Haha.

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