The Closing of a Chapter... Not.

It's the month of December now. The closing of another year, this time it's 2012.
As I prepare to close this chapter of my life, the story I have written for 2012, I actually thought I would be closing another sub-chapter as well.

Let's just say that I was very prepared to just sign off at the bottom of the chapter page,
"Yours lovingly, Kathleen. The End."

And start off with a fresh and clean page with a new chapter title.

I was heading in that direction.
I felt very tired, I felt drained.
I felt like everything I did just didn't seem to be right.
I felt I was being a pain in everyone's butt.
I gave up and didn't want to give another thought anymore.
Everything was crashing down and I felt like I was stuck in a sand pit.
Everytime I struggled to get up, or I managed to shake off some sand, more sand was being thrown at me again. I was drowning in that sand pit and when I gulped for air, I swallowed sand instead.

So, I actually decided to throw in the towel. I did.
But my referee didn't accept the towel I threw. (Maybe because it was sweaty and stinky, who knows hahaha.)
Instead, he picked up that towel, threw it back at me and told me to get off my sorry fat arse and get back into the boxing ring.
I was told to not give up and simply walk away from the ring just like that.
A few people said the same thing, yet others asked me the throw the towel somewhere else as well.

I didn't expect to have a sudden curveball thrown at me, honestly.
The ball caught me in the stomach, and whooshed all my air away... hahaha..
Because I actually thought it would be just plain simple and straight forward. *shrugs*

Well, I have taken back that towel and will continue to use it to wipe my sweat and tears away.

Why? Because I want to prove something and redeem myself as well. Sort of.

But I know that things have certainly changed. My view of certain aspects in the least.

Support me ok? Even if any of you disagree with what I do, I need that moral support. Hahaha. You all can tell me off later.

So, December 2012? I am comin' atcha!!!


JeNz said…
haha..try throwing the water bottle instead of perhaps it'll hurt the referee more..LOL!

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