The Empire Strikes Back

   I wanted to write about something else but I figured that it would be too morbid for some, so I decided not to. :) Anyway, yesterday was my late grandfather's first death anniversary. I won't say much cause I'll end up back on the morbid topic.

   Nearly everyone knows what happened with Empire shopping gallery. The blast that made it inoperable, save for the hotel and SOHO, for a month of two. Dad blurted out this funny line, as we were commenting on the crowd in Subang parade. He was saying that when Empire reopens, they will come back with full force.

"The Empire strikes back..!!"

Imagine Empire's logo here on the poster...hahaha.

The Shopping Malls Wars Saga Continues.
(Urgh, what a

I am hoping Empire reopens fast.

I have a few things on my mind which I am having trouble jotting it down. Thus, the lack of posts... Sigh.
I actually noticed I have been less and less expressive. I keep getting more reserved and quiet. Anyway, I am a jumble of emotions right now.

Be strong.


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