Statement TShirts

I dislike statement t shirts. Especially when it is done in an extremely bad taste and fashion.

Imagine seeing someone wearing a t shirt that says, "It's not easy being easy." -,-'
I don't think it's cute or funny. Just bad taste.
People have to bear in mind, that when they wear these kind of tops, they are indirectly sending out some sort of message to everyone who comes across them. Good or bad.

Some are worse. There's a white shirt with words going something like this, "Don't like me? Well you can go and suck on this." with a finger pointing downwards. Obviously, it is not targeted at female wearers but guys. Still! If I don't like you kan, I would already kick you down there la... Suck my foot. I mean, my foot as in "sao pei" la. I am not asking anyone to suck my foot. Eeww... If you have foot fetish, go elsewhere. Ha!

One of my sisters adores wearing these kind of shirts. Huh. There's one which I really don't approve of her wearing. It goes, "This shirt would look great on your floor." Sigh. You get my drift, the kind of message that is being sent out.

But she has other nicer ones like, "I am so hot, I contribute to global warming." Hahaha. Which I think is good on her.

By the way, any shirts describing how hot or pretty or handsome a person is, should ONLY be worn by people who are THAT. Other than that, please stay away lest you get an eye rolling face from me. :P

Ironically, I have some statement t shirts too though I don't wear it out so often. Lalalala. Later, I'll become a hypocrite. >.<

It is not that I am being too old-fashioned or "religious" or a goody two shoes (oh, believe me, you haven't seen the naughty side yet) but a person must have good judgments la. Good humour and good taste too.

I should go and find one that says, "Ms. Adorable" or "Ms. Cutie Pie" then go and tie up my hair in two pigtails with ribbons and suck on a lollipop. Hahahaha. ROFL.

No no no. *vigorously shakes image out of head* Pffttt....


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