Investor's Day 2011

I had a slight injury the other day. Nothing too major. Fell down the stairs and hurt my butt. Reminded me of one episode in Grey's Anatomy where a cheerleader was hospitalized for "breaking her butt". Thank God I didn't fall face forward down the steps, I didn't roll down the steps like those you see in drama movies and thank God I didn't hit my backbone on the steps as well.

I shall elaborate further on that later, now, I want to talk about Investor's Day!
Went for iCapital's AGM the other day. Didn't really know what was going on. There were resolutions of who and who of what post, a seconder then a vote to put something into motion. We were given these yellow voting cards but I didn't use them as I had no idea what I was voting for. (If it's the upcoming GE, then I will know.)

After that was over, the talks began. The stock market, the Euro crisis, US, China. For the first time in my life, I learned words like gross domestic product (GDP), net asset value (NAV), double dip, volatile blue chips, low price to earning ratio 0.o. I suddenly know who Warren Buffet really is, the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, Merrill Lynch. It was all very very educational. And, I finally understand how iCapital works (silly girl, simply invest without really knowing what I am investing in.).

I know I sound like a "katak di bawah tempurung" but hey, I have never bothered about stock markets and stuff ok? So knowing about this actually helped a lot.

The participants for that day were F&N, Boustead Holdings, Padini Holdings BHD, Petronas Dagangan and others. We also had two presenters from BFM 89.9 hosting the talks and panels. I didn't manage to go for all talks as there were three venues with three talks going on simultaneously. Separated from dad to attend some talks which were of more interest to me than him. He went somewhere else. Hahaha. In the end, we met up at the same venue. Like father, like daughter. :P

The part of the talks I like the most were the Q&A sessions. It was awesome. Some questions I can relate to, some questions made me blur. I especially liked how Mr. Tan Teng Boo did his presentation. Hahaha. Oh, we were also treated to a small fashion show by Padini. Padini's Fall 2011 collection if I heard correctly. I could be wrong. I saw the brand manager of Padini too, Mr. Benjamin Yong. He looks young...! According to the event schedule, Padini was supposed to share its successful branding strategies, but I didn't hear any. :( Bluff...

The day ended in the late evening with closing talks like "Malaysian Economic Outlook" and "China's Economic Outlook." It was tiring but energy well worth invested in. Hahaha. A pun. Here are some pictures I took.

 We were given this lunchbox... Funny thing ain't it?

 Ta-da! We had nasi Beriyani, egg, vegetables and desserts! Mango pudding and chocolate cake. Hahaha. A bit too much though.

 A contestant presenting in the finale of the budding value investor award.

 Presenting... Padini's Fall 2011 collection.

They had all the various lines under Padini showcase the upcoming fashion. Vincci, Vincci+, PDI, Seed, P & Co. etc. That day, I realized 66.67% of what I was wearing was from Padini. Oh...

 One of the female models. Are models not allowed to smile or show facial expressions? They all look so stoned and menacing.

 One of the male models. Not smiling is fine, but don't la look arrogant. Not as if every girl is going to swoon over you ok? I meant another male model but I didn't take his pic. Haha.

 The final walk around (the rose bush). Hehehe. Professional cameraman in front of me.

 The finale. The model line up. Quick guys and girls, take your pick, which model do you like best? :P

And, here's Benjamin Yong (on the left), Padini's brand manager. I want to pick his brain. Hahaha.
Remember, invest wisely! Anyone up for playing with stocks now? :D


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