My Knight Piece

Woke up at 715 am today and the first word that came out of my mouth, was "Shit." (I was late.)
Man, I have to watch what comes out of my mouth. Funny how my friends try to say nicer sounding bad words when I am around. Instead of bitch, they use evil woman. Hahaha.

That's a different story. Today is another.

Remember how I used a game of chess to relate to life and ourselves in a post?
Well, I am making a move in MY game of chess now.

A big move in fact.
I am moving my knight piece instead of my pawns now.

But truth be told, I am not sure how smart this move would be.

Will LIFE's knight or castle or bishop piece take over my knight?

I have fears that this move will be shooting myself in my own foot.
That not only will my knight piece get taken away, but because of that step which I chose to take, other pieces on MY chessboard will suffer terribly as well and get eaten.

Well, it's too late for me to turn back now. That step is already taken and now all I have to do is wait for LIFE to make its move.

Will it rule in my favour, and move its other pieces in response to my knight?
Or will it be cruel and bring down my knight once and for all?

*shrugs* I really don't know.
What I do know is, that taking this step will change a lot of things in my life.
Many factors start coming into play.

I do worry. I do.
But the moral, emotional support and the encouragement from people who matter the most,
makes this step seem worthwhile and slightly less intimidating.

A step which I have only shared with a few people.
The rest of the world can wait, till LIFE makes its move and I get my results.

Wish me luck.
God bless me.


Anonymous said…
Hi just wanted to say that I like your article very much. Please keep up the good posts Thanks a ton! and Have a good day
Kath said…
Oh wow! Thanks. You have a good day too.

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