Authorities? Huh!

Oh my gosh... I just saw the photo I got tagged in where our tour guide was carrying me down the Timpohon trail!! So embarrassing...!!! *hides face in palms*

Anyway, let's forget about that. Hahaha.

Folks, be prepared for a rant from me. If you don't want to spoil the perception you have of a "supposedly" sweet Kathleen, I advise you to scram. Now.

Today, as I was coming back from work, a police car was cruising behind me. It went at a normal speed with lights flashing but no sirens, just like any ordinary car.
We then reached a traffic light junction and coincidentally our side of the lights was red. So we stopped.

And guess what people?

The police sirens suddenly came on.

What for? So that other cars will make way for the police car so that they did not have to wait for the lights to turn red! In other words, jumping queue!

Why am I confident of what I say? The minute they passed the traffic light junction and turn right to where they wanted to go (police station) , the siren stopped.

It was so obvious!!!

This is literally an abuse of your 'authority'. What makes you so different from the rest of the other drivers? Everyone is rushing off somewhere. Everyone is tired.

 I do not believe they had any emergencies at that time because I was observing the way they drove behind me. It was at a leisurely speed!!! They were directly behind me, I saw the driver hesitate, moved right to cut and the sirens blared.

You are supposed to be our citizens' role models. If you do things like that, then we might as well not use any traffic lights at all since our authorities are not following!! What on earth, seriously??!!!

If you can misuse your sirens for this kind of nonsense, who knows what else you will misuse your authority for? Is there any wonder why the 'rakyat' lose hope in their "supposedly" peacekeepers? Sigh.

Now you know why I dislike authorities, especially those who only know how to talk but who do not walk the talk? Sorry, I do not follow this kind of leadership.

I didn't like my school prefects either. Hahaha. Well, those that abused their 'power' over the normal students and those that sucked up to the teachers. That's how some of them got in, whereas the more deserving but quieter ones got passed over (not me, I was a sexy librarian, hahaha, right...*puke*).

I didn't like how some of the prefects shouted at us to do things. Excuse me, but we are humans not animals. Raising your voice is fine but shouting at us uncontrollably? It just makes you seem not in control, I'm not going to respect you. Do you see teachers shouting like that? No.

I wasn't the only one, a lot of us didn't like that few prefects in high school. They don't even dress properly and here they are telling you to tuck in your shirt. Huh! Leadership by example ok?

But I am really glad the prefects in my class weren't like that. They were the best prefects of our year, I would say. The important BODs were in my class.  Lol. Ok la and a few from other classes as well. They were those whom you can look up to and respect them for who they are. Not the others...

Thank goodnees I wasn't much of a troublemaker (when have I ever been? :P)  so I rarely got into arguments with them. And to think I nearly went through probation to be a school prefect. Hahaha.

I still prefer the library... it's quiet. *big wide grin*


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