Mount Kinabalu: Things to Get for Your Trip

Well, hello! I am going to be a good samaritan and share with you MY advice on what and what not to pack if any of you out there are planning a trip to conquer Mount Kinabalu.
2012 seems to be the year.... hmm...

Please don't be a blur sotong and procrastinator like me. I only started packing the weekend before I was due to fly. -.-'. That's why le.

No. 1: Get a tracking pole, tongkat la in other words. you won't regret it. I certainly didn't though I didn't want to at first. You can rent one at the Kinabalu Park for RM 10 or buy one for RM 19.90. I bought mine at Tongs' Traveller Suite, Suria Sabah. (Psst... I can lend it to you for RM 10 too! Hahaha.)

Oh, by the way, our tour guide said that Suria Sabah is like Suria KLCC. But I didn't see it. The mall was empty. Fine, it was empty at 11am. Suria KLCC would be teeming with life though.

The Stick of Life...
No. 2: All climbers would be telling you the same thing. Get Adidas Kampung shoes. It costs RM 9, if I remember correctly. I'm sorry to say I can't tell you exactly where I got mine. I forgot. We were taken there by our tour guide actually. It's small little shop tucked away at a corner.

When I first heard Adidas Kampung shoes, I honestly thought it was from Adidas... -.-'. Damn bodoh right? Hahahah. I kept wondering since when did the Kampung word become part of Adidas' product. Oh but the shoes were quite ok, it gave a good firm grip, especially on the wet rock surfaces. It's made of rubber as you can see below.

The much talked about Adidas Kampung shoes...!!
No. 3: Mountain tops are.... cold. So yea, bring warm stuff. You can bring a beanie along to protect your head and face from the cold, cold wind especially when it blows. However, please don't get my kind of beanie. Mine only had a hole for the eyes (mouth and nose were covered). I couldn't breathe when I panicked. Get those that covers till your ears. You can then use a face mask to cover your mouth if you're cold. Seriously.

That's the hole....Not a good choice.

No. 4: Gloves!! Did you know that your fingers and toes are the first parts of your body to lose heat? Do you know why? Please refer to buku Sains Tingkat 4, 5. Thank you. :D
Get waterproof gloves because when it gets wet up there in the cold mountain, you are definitely going to feel it. (Did any of that sound wrong? Sorry.) And you need it to pull the rope to go up.

Don't listen to your friend's advice, take for example, my friend KT@MM.
"Oh, you can get the gloves at Daisho. Very cheap one, RM 5 only."
Gloves that weren't waterproof... Grr... My fault also, didn't think of it.

I wore two pairs but it was still not enough.

No. 5: This is optional. For people who have knee problems, I suggest that you get some sort of knee support. I have never thought of myself as being 'wounded' but I do know that one side of my knee had a slight injury (cause I strained it when I worked out), So I bought ONE. Not sure if I was smart or not. Should have gotten two...

If you do plan to get one, West Malaysians, please get it where you are! Don't go over to the East when you can get the same thing at a lower price. Again, I was not prepared!! (No more of this nonsense, Kathleen.) RM 49.52 Guardian, Futuro Sport brand.

Sigh... I feel like my body's breaking down.

No. 6: I got this after I called Jenny as I really didn't know what to pack. Heating pads. It's supposed to keep you warm for 8 hours or so after shaking it. Jenny tried hers and it didn't really work. I tried mine after I came back to KL. It was HOT!!! Perhaps the climate up on mount Kinabalu was too cold for it to work. I am not sure. Should experiment with it... hahaha. 5 pairs for RM 19.00 at Universal Traveller.

I have no idea what the instructions say.
Well, other things not pictured here but is also a must are:
- Socks
- Jacket/Windbreaker
- Long sleeved top
- Pants

Any other logical things to bring up to cold places la ok. I cannot think adi.

Oh right... let me show you a pic.
Be prepared to be mesmerized.....


The rope, the edge, the cliff. :O I feel my life shortening by a few years.

The reason why I panicked and so nearly wanted to quit. This was when we were coming down in broad daylight. Imagine, we were climbing up THIS in the dark at 2-3am!!!

Thanks to YY for that heart dropping photo.

So, to all future climbers, have fun! :D

Will I climb again?
No, not for this year 2012.
2013 onwards, maybe. MAYBE.


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