Wake Me Up

Wake me up... when September ends. -Green day-

Wake up!!! It's October now.
And to start off this month, let me begin with a question.

"What is the biggest lie ever created or invented in the whole world?"

Think of your own answer first before seeing the one that I have. Don't cheat.
I asked this question to a few people and I got interesting ones as well.

One was, "I have read all the terms and conditions..."
Hahahaha. I so get this. Seriously, how many of us actually take the time to read all terms before checking the box and pressing submit?
Maybe some of you do, I don't. Guilty as charged.

The other was, "Lol."
Hahahahahahaha. It depends on each user. I'm sure some of us are really laughing out loud when they use lol. I do too. But I prefer to do this : hahahahahaha. Cause lol is not enough for me to express my crazy laughter at something hilarious.
Have you ever wondered what your expression is like when you use lol?
Do you really laugh out loud? Hahahaha. I didn't either till I got this answer.

Have you thought of your answer yet?

Ready for mine? *rubs hands with glee*

The answer I have is, "Push up bras."

Because everything disappears when you take them off. LOL! (I'm really laughing here.)
(I took this from a magazine I read, it's by a guy. Obviously. Poor thing.)

Ta ta...! :D


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