I Forgot How To Study


Yes yes, I know I have been missing for a while.
I am alive and well, in case you were wondering.
I just had to rethink some direction in my life.

You know what?
I do not know how to study!
I have forgotten how to do it.

Today, as I sat at my desk to read up on my coming midterm, mom came over to see how I was doing.
I said, "Eh ma, I don't know how to study la.... How?"
She laughed... Hai ya...

The minute I sit and stare at my notes, my mind goes blank.
I took chicken essence before I started.
I end up sleeping on the sofa two hours later. Gah!
No coffee. I become very jittery until my grip on the pen becomes unstable.

This cannot do Kathleen!

I don't know how people can do it.
I don't know if I can do it.
I hope I can do it.
I better be able to do it.

I want to do well in this paper cause it was one of my strengths during Bachelor's.
And by the way, I dislike e-book. Nothing compares to the good old paper books where we can highlight, underline notes, draw nonsense and doodles on it and use it to whack people. Hahahah.

Ok stop. I am acting like a high school student. 

Wish me all the best please...
Let me thank you first. Hahahahaha.

(I should not even be here in the first place.....)


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