A Heartfelt Letter to God

Dear God,
Thank You for the weekend that I had. It was awesome.
Thank You for teaching me so many things today.
Thank You for the two customers who made my day.
One wants to buy me a drink if he comes to KL, the other said he liked my style and wants to look for me for more guidance for his nutrition intake.
I never expected anything. I was just really being myself, on the phone and in the store.
I wasn't trying to impress anyone at all. Yet, I must have, in a way. :D
Thank You for helping A with his addiction. I didn't realise that he really took my advice to live a better life, to stop his constant battle with a certain issue. He thanked me for listening today. That was all I did. I just listened.
Dear God,
Thank You for making me see that I am perfect in a way too. I am not hot neither am I pretty like a model. But I AM perfect.
I have two legs that can walk, run or even squat down next to a child to see what he/she is doing.
I have two arms that can hug and comfort family, friends, anyone who is in pain.
I have a mouth that can choose to compliment another, to advice him/her instead of bringing down the person through uncouth remarks
I have two eyes that can the beauty of nature, the beauty of each and every person that I meet.
I have two ears that can listen to the most amazing sounds that the earth has ever had and another person's sadness or joy.
I have a nose that can smell the most delicious aromas and scents.
And I, have a heart that can love. Yay!
Dear God,
I have a prayer to make.
I pray for each and everyone of us who have gone through any pain or hurt in life.
Be it due to a childhood incident, a sudden death in the family, divorce, heartbreaks, bullying, unjust and unfair discrimination, comments that were uncalled for etc.
It doesn't matter if we were the mother of the child that died, or the child who watched his/her parents go their separate ways, or the little girl who got bullied endlessly.

These incidents have made a scar in our lives.
They have made us fear certain things in our lives. Fear of repetition, fear of rejection, fear of commitment, fear of ourselves.

I pray that You will be our constant comfort and strength in everything. No matter how tough or dire or hopeless the situaiton may seem.

I pray with all my heart for the people I care about.
Bless as well, the people who read this, whoever they are. Friends and foes.

Dear God,

I finally understand, why I am where I am in this day.

Thank You for making me who I am.
I can only be me, as the others are all taken. :)

Yours lovingly,


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