FIrst Step into Studying


I can't seem to blog about my trip.

I started my first week of studies, by the way.

Three classes every week.

First lesson of Managerial Economics itself, class was cancelled and my class wasn't told. We only found out past 7pm. Eesh. We have two evening classes, one was lucky enough to have their lesson, my class was not so lucky.

However, instead of going home, I popped over to join the other class for this subject. No harm in learning a repeat of what you heard right? (I'm so hardworking.... right...) I went there all the way for my studies, so I might as well....

And yes, my new phase of life, is going back to school.

Not getting married, not having babies, not having grandchildren. Hahaha.

Going back to school. These words make me feel like a grandma....

Back to assignments, group work, midterms and final exminations.

Now, the social circle does not only involve bosses, senior managers, and colleagues. It also involves lecturers, classmates and clerks etc. It's a scary thought.

People keep asking,
"Are you sure this is what you want to do?"
"Have you thought about this properly?" And so on.

I tell you.... if I say, " I don't know..." I will get a lot of shoes thrown at me.
But yes, I do know. I just need to have faith. Like Jenny said.

That step is already taken, I can't turn back anymore.

Whatever comes, I will just have to take it in my stride.

I have to learn to juggle between my studies and work.
The sacrifices I have to make.
Less indulgences, less shopping, less socializing, less hanging out with friends, less family time.

Which reminds me, I have to apply for financial aid. Sigh.

Anyone who cares to donate to the "Kathleen's Education Fund" ?
*lots of shoes being thrown at me again*

Selfish people....! Hahahahaha. Just kidding.

P/S: You may not be seeing much of me anymore. In person and in this blog. I have to start being a nerd and bury myself among my books. You can find me there.



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