Be Safe

Ladies and gentlemen,

In view of all the recent crime incidents, robberies, car smash ins, murder attempts etc. please be extra vigilant in whatever you do.

Be it crossing a simple junction,
Walking from one shopping centre to the one next door,
Getting into/out of your car,
In your car at the traffic light junctions,
Withdrawing money,
Parking into your house compound,
Shopping malls,

Be very careful and alert. I am not going to tell you how to defend yourself.
We may all learn this by heart but when the time comes, panic often overcomes our rationality and we react accordingly.

Girls, we can no longer assume that we will always be ok wherever we are.
I thought I did.
I was wrong.

Today, as I was walking from Subang Parade to Carrefour, something happened that chilled me to the bones. It was a bit of a wakeup call that made me realise that I am also vulnerable. I was calm outside but inside I was panicking. Good thing there were people walking in front of me.

So, girls. Be careful. I have no idea why our community has beome so bad.

Guys, do take care of the girls. Your wives, girlfriends, friends, colleagues, whoever (grandmothers!). Be careful yourselves too please. Crime knows no gender or race or age...

Our country has suddenly become a scary place to live in.


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