Lee Priest in Malaysia.

Ok, a diversion from my usual posts. Hahaha. This post is so not my usual style.
I am pretty sure serious gym goers would have heard of the company EGOnutritions, known for short as EGO. I know my friends do. Good nutrition, good body, all the good reasons for your ego. Bleah.
For all you guys out there, this is a rare chance of a lifetime to meet him. Who is he? Lee Priest, of course. He will be in Malaysia very soon.
You would pay RM 250-RM 500 to watch your favourite singers perform live on stage right?
Yet, you most probably don't get to see them up close nor get their autographs nor get to take pictures with them. All you can do is take pictures OF them from afar... And they end up so tiny and blur on your cameras. :(
Well, EGOnutritions is bringing Lee Priest to you.
And guess what? You can actually get to take a good picture with him. Just you and him. No jostling, no people photobombing you. Heck, you even get to own a poster of him with his autograph on it too! (You have to queue up for it ok?) You can paste it on your bedroom wall afterwards if you want to.
You get to see him upclose (Not too close, personal space yo!), you even get to ask him questions during a meet and greet session in an awesome atmosphere.
Do you know how hard it is to meet your favourite singers in such an environment??
Super Junior fans would know... hahaha.
You only need RM 150 to get your ticket for the event above! Dai dou ngm dai lo!!!
Even going to the MPO, will cost you at least RM 100 to enjoy good music and all you do is sit down and listen. :) Haha. But it is enjoyable.
For more info on this event, you can check out EGOnutritions' facebook page. They have all the details you need there. Better hurry!  *Pssttt... cause tickets are limited*


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