
Showing posts from 2014

Where I'll Be At

Ok. I'm putting this blog to rest for now. Not RIP le, choi! Hahaha. Just going to be blogging somewhere else. I'll be at for now. See you there!!!

The End?

Hi everyone, I have something to say... Well, I have something in the least to tell you guys. Hahaha. I always have something to say. I may most probably be putting this blog into hibernation mode for now. I find it hard to blog as my thoughts seem to be scattered everywhere nowadays. Sitting down to write one piece and ponder over it takes up time and my mental energy. It doesn't really help that blogger does not have an easy mode to be used on smartphones (From what I tried to find out that is). I have to zoom in and out, swipe sideways just to type an entry for blogger on my phone. (Yea, I know. I'm too dependent on my smartphone now... :'( ) I'll be shifting to an app that's more user friendly for the likes of me. It allows me to blog in parts, whenever I have something to say, combining it together as one whole post. Since I'm such a scattered brain, it would definitely be handy as an 'as and when' kind of writing thingie. Hahaha. I ma

Bits and Pieces 4

Am blogging to release tension and alleviate a bit of the depressing mood that I am in. It's just a struggle to get my project paper moving. Have you been to OneCity in USJ? It's nice... They have this rooftop area where you can look across, as far as your eyes can see, to different areas of Puchong, Putra Heights and Subang. Being up there at night is beautiful with the streetlights and cars driving by... nothing much to see at some dark corners though. Haven't tried it in the daytime yet. Lol! What I liked was the glass area where you could walk onto it and look down into the shopping mall itself. Do this at night, you can't see anything in the daytime. It was funny how AS and I crossed this glass panel. There we were two people who wanted the thrill (cheap thrill, :P) of crossing the glass top, but the minute we stepped onto the glass panel, we held onto each other to cross to the other side... Hahahahaha. The view of the ground floor of One City from

The Passing of KY

Sometimes it takes the passing away of someone of your age, someone whom you have known personally, to make you contemplate on how unpredictable life is, how fragile it is. Two days back, a classmate and friend of mine passed away. She was my age and she was going to receive her doctorate at the beginning of next year. She was active on FB so the news of her demise was very sudden and of a big shock. I thought it was a spam as well when the news came because it just sounded too ridiculous to be true. But it was... KY, rest in peace. Thanks for inviting me over to your house for CNY last year. I'm sorry that I couldn't make it for this year's... if only I knew. Yea, if only I knew. I would have tried to rearrange my priorities. But it's too late now. May eternal rest and peace be granted upon you.

It's a Doge Dog World

Look!!! Puppies. Running. Animated puppies. So dog. Much running. Very cartoon. Wow. Being doge... hahahaha. Suddenly I'm listening to The Kitchen Musical videos again on YouTube. Such miss... :) Progress of project report: - Literature matrix settled for now. Till I add in more articles. - So have to get my theoretical framework done...soon... Can I say that the dog ate my homework? >.<' I think I find it hard to write something because I have to. Writing is great when I have inspiration, ideas, ingenuity. But writing for academic purposes is cramping my style yo. Sigh... You can do it!

Can Can Music

I have this playing in the background as I read and re-read my chapter 1 for tomorrow's appointment with le supervisor. I can imagine the things I'd be doing if I was a character in some TV show with this music in the background. Mayhem and destruction, so said someone. Very true, that does come to mind, doesn't it? Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? No? Well then, just do the can can.

A Trip, Food and a Puppy

Sorry been missing quite a while. Here's what has been happening! Exams are finally over and I am officially done with five trimesters of my studies... Whooppee!! Now, I only have one more trimester to go. You can do it Kathleen.Go kick some arse. Here's what some of us did to celebrate the end of exams. Crazy spontaneous trip. Genting's cool glow in the dark bowling alley We went up to Genting for a while. "A while" as in we left at 4pm sth and came down at 8pm sth... The shortest Genting trip ever in my life. I want to stay the night next time please. :) We got lost... hahahaha had to make a u turn near Taman Melati and get back on the proper track. The other car reached first and had to wait again for us as we could not find the parking entrance into One World hotel. The renovation up there is a mess! Well, we basically just hanged out in the casino. Some of them wanted to play, finance people ma, the rest of us just walked around, took


Should I say yes to something??? I'm scared. A lot of "What ifs" and "Buts" play on my mind. I'm just scared. Yet, if I don't try I will never know right? Right?? How do people make this kind of decisions? Huh. Indecisiveness.

Freelancing Sabahan

The two aunties in our uni's photostat shop were gossiping about me. -.-' Really... bukan perasan ni tahu? Cause one of the aunties asked me today. She said the other lady was wondering if I was Chinese or Sabahan.She said I should be Chinese due to the way I speak Malay which is very different than that in East Malaysia.(I've been there, it's true.) She guessed right and they shared this story with me today. I wanted to laugh, this is really funny. First time I'm put as a Sabahan. Lol!! And from aunties in the photostat shop of all places... ********************************************************************************* Today as well, I earned my first RM 20 freelancing. Heh heh heh. My very first. Guess what it's for? Proofreading and editing research proposals. Wahahaha. I never believed that I could earn money from doing this. I've thought about it but was never really given the opportunity. So now here I am... trying my hand at this.

I Am a Rebel

Today, I realise that yes, I am a rebel on the inside. Outside I seem very agreeable, But I am raging on the inside. Like what someone mentioned to me previously... Passive-Aggressive. Do not corner me or push me into a tight spot, please. If you do, I will end up bursting out at you. And then both of us will get hurt. Thank you.

Updates Schmupdates

I feel like skipping class tomorrow and the day after next. How can we have classes on Easter weekend..... T.T... Week 14 is coming up... I am struggling with my project paper. Gosh, I want to say 'hate' so much but I have to refrain from doing so. Think positive think positive, gah!!! Met my supervisor after the submission of my first Introduction draft.... I wanna cry.... Changes I have to do. Changes I feel so lazy to do.... Sigh. Good thing is, she said that my English is good. Thank you. ********************************************************************************* Took care of my niece for the whole day the other day, alone! I was at a lost on what to do with a 1 year plus baby. But I managed. With me going after her to eat her lunch as she ran around the living room, hid behind the curtains, climbed up and down the sofa. Babies!!! But she's really adorable. The other day, she swiped a cup full of water from my hand. Water spilled onto the table and

Leaving on an Aeroplane

All your bags are packed, You're ready to go. You're standing there, Outside the door. I hate to call you up to say goodbye... Cause you're leaving on an aeroplane, Don't know when you'll be back again. AS, this is for you. Have a safe and wonderful trip. Enjoy and treasure every moment! I'm sure you'll be ok. Remember to take lots of pictures. It's ok to feel homesick once in a while. All the more it makes you appreciate what adventures you are on. It becomes a reality. :) But don't let it paralyze you! I shall await your myriad stories of adventures when you get back. Take care!

FB on Smartphones

Sigh... smartphones are dangerous... Especially when you use it for Facebook. Apparently, I've been liking random pages and adding random people in my account. -.-' I only knew when a message came. "XXX has accepted your friend request." I'm like... "What friend request? I didn't add anyone!" What.... I removed that person from my friend list. Sorry, my fault... hahaha. I was viewing the pages that I liked on my profile. And then, "Wait. What is that?" I saw 2 pages that I liked which I didn't even know that I liked. (Tongue twister) Like huh? I don't recall liking them... I don't even know what it is about. My gosh.... The sensitivity of a touch screen phone is scary.... So sensitive till you don't have to push its buttons any more. (Isn't it pun-ny? Hahaha!) Really really random.

I Spoke Out

Today, I did something which I am proud of myself for. (Was that sentence correct?) I spoke out (or rather whatspped out) on something that I was concerned about, in a group of people. The story is as such. Our group was discussing on the topics to choose to present for one of our subjects. They were very gung-ho and wanted to do two topics when only ONE was required. I was concerned because we had other assignments due and was wondering if we were biting off than we could chew. However, majority agreed, so I kept silent. (I have always been silent, haven't I?) Finally, I said ok, but choose topics which we have not presented before. After six minutes, I sent in another message. "I am just worried. Cause we have AX group assignment due the week after and also BX research proposal chap 1, 2, 3. We have to present and submit a report for this CX subject too." Two minutes later, an hour later and five hours later, my group members agreed to stick to one topic

Break It Up

Here is an inspiring comic for us to reflect upon... Feeling burdened by everything around you, with barely enough space to breathe? Well, do what this little comic guy did. Enjoy!

Can You Find the....

After putting all the pieces together, here's what I got... The what?? No..! I cannot find it. You guys didn't complete the clue for me.. Unless you did and I did not see it. Putting these sticky notes everywhere on my stuff. Waste your sticky notes... hahaha. What if I missed out some of it? I haven't looked through my box of packed stuff though. It's still there in the box. I have yet to solve the puzzle of the mysterious appearance of rubber bands on my table too. I suspect two people but you guys deny it... then I have no inkling as to who it is. Though there was a third person but for sure, the other one is innocent.... hahaha. Solve the puzzle for me! P/S: Step 3 of the Grievances of Leaving

My Psammead

Dear Psammead, How are you? I feel so lonely without you. I don't get to talk to opened drawers anymore. In fact, I have totally stopped talking to myself or have mono-conversations. It's sad. I hope uncle BN and aunty AS are taking good care of you. Just ask them to feed you with glittery stickers and craft papers. You like those, don't you? I will come by someday and visit you again. Open up the drawer and talk to you, hope you get enough sunlight once in a while and fresh air. I have to tell aunty AS that you didn't follow me home in the end, then she can wonder no more. You're still there in that drawer at the table where I sat. Goodbye Psammead. Be good ok? Lots of Love, Aunty Kathleen P/S: Step 2 of the Grievances of Leaving.

What the Kids Taught Me

One of the things that I will miss the most are my kids. Not all of them but definitely a majority of them. These kids taught me a lot. They taught me that my patience is not as good as what I thought. I DO have a short fuse! They taught me that you have to be careful of what you say as they imitate you at times. "That thing" -.-' They taught me that kids are not stupid. You make a promise, you keep it. They taught me that their memory is better than their mentor's. At times. They taught me that sometimes, it is ok to apologize to your kids. They appreciate it a lot. They taught me that in giving instructions, always be clear! They taught me to always be on your toes. You never know when 'accidents' may happen in class. They taught me that love is not defined by scolding. They still give you stickers and little gifts. Haha! They taught me that a mentor begets his/her kids. Kids may copy the behaviour and actions as how the mentor would behave or
I hope I don't cry for the rest of this week....

A Touching Weekend

I had a very lovely weekend filled with blessings and touching gestures. Dear AS, thank you for the pisang goreng that I had as my tidbit to munch on as we drove to the Mines. Thank you. That feeling is warmer than the pisang goreng hot out from the kuali. I was so touched and surprised. Lots of hugs!!! May you be as fiery and warm as a pisang goreng too. :D Dear ND, thank you for the bag of grapes which you dropped by my house just to give it to me. They were big and juicy, perfect for this hot weather! You didn't have to. Hahaha. Why did you do it? Thank you so much all the same. :) Dear little boy and little boy's mom, thank you for the balloon which you gave to my niece. She was very thrilled by it. Thank you for walking all the way back in to hand her a balloon which she was looking longingly at. It was very sweet of you, little boy. May you grow up to be a lovely young man.

The Corner of Your Eye

It is way past midnight. You are holed up in your room, rushing through your class assignments or work brought back from the office. Your eyes move from keyboard to monitor, from monitor to papers as your hands type away at the keyboard. All you hear is the noise the air-conditioner makes in your room. You are totally engrossed in your work, when suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, something moved. You stop whatever you are doing and turn to see what moved. You scrutinize your room, paying especially close attention to the corner of your bed at which you saw the movement. Nothing. So you dismiss it with a shrug as something because "you are too tired". You turn back to concentrate on your work, telling yourself to not be so silly and get distracted by childish notions of "monsters under your bed". You step back into momentum as your work begins to shape up with no further distractions. But suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, something moves ag

Chinese Medium Primary Schools

I should probably be sleeping now but certain things that happened today actually prompted me to think about a few things... Hahaha. One of kids told me today. "Aunty Kathleen you're so cute." Hahahah. 5 years old, boy. Why couldn't he be a guy who's 5 years older than me? Hahaha just kidding. I took over a class today which I was teaching in last year. It is now taken over by another colleague. One of the girls from this class said, "I miss you Aunty Kathleen." Awww.... don't do that to me. Please. You know, I always wondered how I survived my days in primary school. In a Chinese medium primary school at that. I will always remember this one incident which happened in Standard 4. I think we were doing multiplications with 2 digit numbers and above. There was one exercise which I did badly and where I got punished by my maths teacher. She pulled my ears...-.-' The problem with that was, I had no idea what I did wrong in my sum. She didn't

Reminiscing on Chinese New Year

Happy Lunar New Year everyone!! Hope you had a great weekend of celebrations and holiday trips for others. Comparisons are inevitable during times like's annoying but true. Questions you get asked ARE a form of comparison. Are you dating? (All your cousins are, so you better be.) When are you getting married? (Your sister is already married leh, and she's younger than you.) What are you working as now? (Ha? What kind of job is that???) Did you lose weight? (Wah.... slimmer than last time. Slimmer than me too, cannot.) See??? Comparison. It's all up in the head... hahaha. Reunions can lead to fights and arguments... seriously. Then you get people who don't want to come back for reunions anymore... sad. Jealousy? Envy? Anger? Other simpler reasons could be... "I don't want to socialize with them. I don't know them!" "Man... staying in cramped quarters for two nights!" I didn't like some of this too.... b

A Short One

Ahahahahahaha. Couldn't help it when I saw this. I can so relate to Clara Oswald in this scene. The stupid things I would say in a conversation as I try to explain things. LOL. And it only gets worse as I explain more. *shakes head* Here's another adorable pic though he definitely doesn't look like this anymore... Ronald Weasley (Rupert Grint) Imagine not touching fried chicken for a very long time... you could be like this you know. Hahaha. That's all for this short post. Be back soon.

The Start of 2014

It's a cold, cold night.... Brrr...Fingers and toes are clammy. Nose is stuck. Anyway, Happy New Year!!! This picture above is dedicated to everyone whom I have intentionally and unintentionally irritated and yet patiently took my behaviours or shenanigans without dumping me as their friend or running away from me. Hee hee. I thank thee very much. Just imagine my face with the expression of the minion above. Bleah! Ok, haven't been updating much. Let's start with the basics. It's the new year, I'm going to be a year older, I'm going to have more white hairs, more wrinkles, more fat on my belly. I'm going to have as well, more sleepless nights, blurry days, sore throats, days when I just feel like dying or not waking up to face reality. That's the appetizer. Here comes main course meal 1. The New Year started quite sadly for me...Other than exams, which were the least on mind with so many things happening, there were a lot of news that wer