I Spoke Out

Today, I did something which I am proud of myself for.
(Was that sentence correct?)

I spoke out (or rather whatspped out) on something that I was concerned about, in a group of people.
The story is as such.

Our group was discussing on the topics to choose to present for one of our subjects.
They were very gung-ho and wanted to do two topics when only ONE was required.
I was concerned because we had other assignments due and was wondering if we were biting off than we could chew.
However, majority agreed, so I kept silent. (I have always been silent, haven't I?)

Finally, I said ok, but choose topics which we have not presented before.
After six minutes, I sent in another message.

"I am just worried. Cause we have AX group assignment due the week after and also BX research proposal chap 1, 2, 3. We have to present and submit a report for this CX subject too."

Two minutes later, an hour later and five hours later, my group members agreed to stick to one topic, stating that they were also backlogged on their assignments.


Happy because I did not follow people blindly this time round, though I risk being sent to the guillotine, rather I "stood up to be heard and counted". Hahahah wrong usage here but you get my drift.

Knowing me, this is something which I rarely ever do.



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