FB on Smartphones

Sigh... smartphones are dangerous...

Especially when you use it for Facebook.

Apparently, I've been liking random pages and adding random people in my account. -.-'
I only knew when a message came.

"XXX has accepted your friend request."
I'm like... "What friend request? I didn't add anyone!" What....
I removed that person from my friend list. Sorry, my fault... hahaha.

I was viewing the pages that I liked on my profile.
And then, "Wait. What is that?"

I saw 2 pages that I liked which I didn't even know that I liked. (Tongue twister)
Like huh? I don't recall liking them... I don't even know what it is about.
My gosh....

The sensitivity of a touch screen phone is scary....
So sensitive till you don't have to push its buttons any more. (Isn't it pun-ny? Hahaha!)

Really really random.


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