The End?

Hi everyone,

I have something to say...
Well, I have something in the least to tell you guys. Hahaha. I always have something to say.

I may most probably be putting this blog into hibernation mode for now.
I find it hard to blog as my thoughts seem to be scattered everywhere nowadays.
Sitting down to write one piece and ponder over it takes up time and my mental energy.
It doesn't really help that blogger does not have an easy mode to be used on smartphones (From what I tried to find out that is).
I have to zoom in and out, swipe sideways just to type an entry for blogger on my phone.
(Yea, I know. I'm too dependent on my smartphone now... :'( )

I'll be shifting to an app that's more user friendly for the likes of me. It allows me to blog in parts, whenever I have something to say, combining it together as one whole post. Since I'm such a scattered brain, it would definitely be handy as an 'as and when' kind of writing thingie. Hahaha.

I may come back to this blog sometime when I am able to sit and write down my thoughts in an organized manner. I will never abandon this blog as it is filled with memories of the past, all these being as part of the lessons learned in life.

Don't worry. The link to this blog would still be the same. But I'm closing it down for a while, in a week's time.


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