My Psammead

Dear Psammead,

How are you? I feel so lonely without you.
I don't get to talk to opened drawers anymore. In fact, I have totally stopped talking to myself or have mono-conversations. It's sad.
I hope uncle BN and aunty AS are taking good care of you.
Just ask them to feed you with glittery stickers and craft papers.
You like those, don't you?

I will come by someday and visit you again. Open up the drawer and talk to you, hope you get enough sunlight once in a while and fresh air.
I have to tell aunty AS that you didn't follow me home in the end, then she can wonder no more.
You're still there in that drawer at the table where I sat.

Goodbye Psammead. Be good ok?

Lots of Love,
Aunty Kathleen

P/S: Step 2 of the Grievances of Leaving.


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