The Corner of Your Eye

It is way past midnight.
You are holed up in your room, rushing through your class assignments or work brought back from the office.
Your eyes move from keyboard to monitor, from monitor to papers as your hands type away at the keyboard.
All you hear is the noise the air-conditioner makes in your room.

You are totally engrossed in your work, when suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, something moved.
You stop whatever you are doing and turn to see what moved.
You scrutinize your room, paying especially close attention to the corner of your bed at which you saw the movement.
So you dismiss it with a shrug as something because "you are too tired".

You turn back to concentrate on your work, telling yourself to not be so silly and get distracted by childish notions of "monsters under your bed".
You step back into momentum as your work begins to shape up with no further distractions.
But suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, something moves again.
You jerk your head in that direction, your eyes quickly scanning your room.
This time the movement was somewhere further to your right.
You cannot be mistaken twice, you tell yourself.
You squint your eyes as you try to see through even the darkest corners of room where it is not illuminated by the light.
You do not move a single muscle as you stare at the same spot.
Half-willing that something would pop up into sight and prove yourself right.
That something was moving in your room!

Three minutes pass, nothing.
Urged on the by dateline of your assignment, you frown, turn back to the computer and proceed with your work.

But this time, you lose your momentum.
Your mind keeps returning to the dark.
That thing behind you which could be moving, unnoticed by you.
You tell yourself to snap out of it. "Stop being a baby."
You pause and take a deep breath to calm yourself down.
Your fingers are poised above the keyboard, getting ready to type in that statement.

Out of a sudden, a thud sounds just beside your desk.

You freeze.
You look out of the left corner of your eye.
Your heart starts to palpitate.
Outwardly, you look calm. Inwardly, your syntheses are going crazy from brain to limbs to head. Your eyes dart from ceiling to floor, from cupboard to bed as you look for that thing.
"Where is it?" You mentally ask yourself.
You start looking with your eyes too for your handphone, or something that you could use.
For.... you know. Anything. Just in case. You never know.

Just when you were gearing yourself up to either fight or run, your bedroom door slams open.
The sound gives you such a shock that you fall into blissful oblivion.

Inspired by Doctor Who


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