Sisters in Blog

Hey ya. My purpose of this post is to promote my little sister's blog site. My youngest sister whose only 13 this year and whose birthday is tmr the 20th!! Happy Birthday my darling!

I've been to her blog and so far she only has two posts but her english is good! Seriously. Ok la, 13 year old may make mistakes but hers is really good. Not bad for a 13 year old I think. Check it out if you have the time.
Thanks y'all.

Oh no worries. I'll be her moderator...hahaha.

Other than that, I'm sure some of you also know my other sister who blogs. Eileen. But her link is under Lil Sis and not Ei-leen. Ei-Leen's mt friend. Have to mention here also in case she complains...hehehehe. Muacks!

Thanks again! :)


JeNz said…
agree to that ;))
JeNz said…
ohh..i'm reading ur sis' blog now..haha...don't why I thought she looks like a combination of u and sophia!LOL...pretty combi!
Kath said…
Really? Haha. Now that you mention it, I can get what you mean bout the combination. I can just see it...hahaha.

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