A Summary of Today

Girls!!! (Not all of them) Including aunties, do not know how to drive. GO back to driving school la, kopi license is it? If people don't signal means they're going straight on and not turning la! Bodoh!! Nak aku ajar kau ke? Idiotic lady came out onto my path, nearly crashed into you! SHOULD have horned you louder.

I am stupid. Why? Free things shoved onto my path, shoved in front of my eyes, shoved into my hands, I didn't take. Ah!!! Stupid me. Free sim card also don't want to take. What la? Regret it now. Should have taken it on my way back from kl monorail to central. Two freakin' times shoved to me. Ugh!!! I want it. Free wor.. and U mobile also, 018. Heheh.

Took the KTM train today after coming back from Sg Wang. (Dislike the place atmosphere.. very sempit). As usual, it was peak hour when I was in Kl central. Train came and people shoved in (Not me). While an announcement came on, advising passengers to let disembarking passengers get off first before going in. Bla bla bla. Suddenly another message blared through the air.

"Sila jangan mengasak-asak ketika memasuki keretapi."

Please do not push other people while boarding. Something to that effect.
I was What?!! Shut up dude. I mean I know we're not supposed to do that. But hello? What do you expect?

Rush hour?

KTM turtle train schedule?

What more the train which I boarded was 10 minutes late and it is even on a 20 minute interval. So what, 30 minutes gap? At 545pm?
You want to come down here from your air-conned room and join the rest of the train passengers rushing to go home?
You want to sacrifice the comfort of your cubicle and have your personal space invaded in the train?
As people's elbow jut into your stomach, people's armpits hovering over you and at the risk of being groped?

Join us then.
Then shut up.

By the way, train announcements like this never go into the ears of Malaysian people. They just push. The announcement is just like a fly which they all swat to the ground when the train arrives. Hahaha. Serious.
Bzzz...bzzz... *whack* Fly drops to the ground and is trampled too.. Hahahah.
And common sense like letting people out of the train before going in, is NOT common.
Something always needs to come out before anything else can go in. Use your brain.
Go to the loo? Think about it. Ha!

I am always pushed. Grrr...


chian said…
i can imagine your "oi, don't push lah" punya face
Kath said…
Yea.. I have showed that face a few times just to get my hint across... but then...
Anonymous said…
Good job in making me laugh... lol... the fly was the most hilarious part...
Kath said…
Hahah thanks oh!! Glad you liked it.. :)

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