I Don't Know Either

I don't know what I want,
I don't know what to do,
I do not want to feel like this,
But I definitely do.

I don't know who I am.
Or even where I'll be,
The path to future now,
Seems just so far and out.

I have never felt so confused.
Should I do this,
Shoud I do that.
I have just realised that there are many more branches.
Branches in our life's journey.

A branch for further studies,
A branch for the working world,
A branch for working first then continue studying later.
A possible branch too, for working/studying out of my country.

Which branch should I start aiming for?

Each branch will take you on its own unique magical journey.
Yes, it does differ from the rest, though it may come from the same main tree. How?
Each branch moulds you differently.
Gives you different perspectives in life.
Teaches you a different set of values.
Prepares you to face the world differently.
Could you make it here?
Or would you do better there?

Perhaps I should say,

Do I have what it takes to be where I want to be?

Time to find out.


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