It's a Small World After All

Know what?
Just realised that the world really is small.
Did you know that everyone is connected to everyone on this earth through six people?
Meaning we all know someone in every country through our first hand friends, second hand and so on. You get the gist.
As I blog surfed yesterday, I came upon my sister's college friend's blog. And realised that this friend knew my exclassmate from primary school in her college. Not only that, she also knew a friend who knew another friend whom I know. I just saw the guy's name they were talking about (different blogs mind you) and thought maybe the person just had the same name. Till they both typed something about him being good in drawing animated penguins...Ahahahaha.
Small enough yet?

So here's my logical and rational thinking. Imagine if you travelled around the world and met with people from different countries. Do you know HOW many people you will know and become closer to? Imagine from a chain of six people becoming to four or three. That's close. And small!

Friends came up from Malacca, went to Pyramid for an outing, also saw their friends from Malacca.
I went down to Malacca Mahkota Parade and also saw someone I knew from Subang.
Looks like we can never run away. So watch out what you do anytime and anywhere. People are noticing and they will recognise you.

Like, "Hey! That day ah, in Pyramid I saw ah, that girl you know!"
"Eh, which girl?"
"Neh, that girl ah, the one who scolded you cause you cut line when buying things ah. Your friend right?"
"Oh yalo yalo. That girl! Luckily didn't see her. Later she tell my mom I ponteng class. Then kena scolding from both."
" So cham meh?"
"Cham ah! Everytime see her everywhere. Scary!"

Faham? Haha. My English is crap today. Oh well.


chian said…
it's a small world after x3
it's a smaaaall smaaaaall woooooorrrrld!
Kath said…
Hahaha. I still remember that song too!

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