Ironing Clothes

I just noticed that for over four Saturdays, I was not at home. I was out, out and out!!!
Out shopping. Out meeting up with friends. Out on a trip. Out God-knows doing what.

This is so rare of me! Seriously. I used to be at home, with my family (not really also la), watching Hindi movies on TV, reading, going to my Grandma's house, sometimes even doing a bit of work.

But I haven't been doing that for quite a while... Hmm... Seems kind of.. 'out'.

Saturday was my day to do chores too! Ironing my clothes le... I haven't been doing that! My mom is doing it...hahaha. I'm spoiled. Zhong wai.!
My mom used to have this rule in the house. No going out unless you finish your chores. So judging by the rate I'm going, let's say that I would be 'grounded' for a whole semester. Haven't been ironing my colthes. Yet I'm still happily going out. :P (I'm so bad..) But I still do the dishes and folding of clothes when I sit down to watch tv.

My two younger sisters seem to have this tougher for them. They iron their own uniforms.. Eileen (my other sis) irons dad's uniform (sometimes)... Me? Hehehe. Ahem... I have a cold relationship with the iron now. So cold it numbs me. And I am the eldest..! Role model konon!! Eesh...

Sigh.. not sure whether my mom notices my lack of absence and friendliness with the iron or not though. I better buck up and do a bit of ironing.. At least show I'm doing something even for a while ma...! Hahahaha.

I am becoming naughtier. 'Great'....


JeNz said…
wow! nice site makeover!!
chian said…
4 Saturdays out?? that's an improvement! *clap clap*
Kath said…
Jenz: Thanks Jenny!!! You can do it too. Get new blogskin. :)

Chian: Ya lo.. haha not improvement... later kena grounded then break record..hehe.

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