A Birthday Dedication

Dedicated to a very special person on this very special day.

Just wanna say, 15 years of friendship is not easy to come by and to hold on to. But I am so happy and lucky this friendship is still going strong!

I know mostly was due to you, haha, (since I am so 'busy'). You'd sms and ask, then we'd around tha days we were free (mostly saturdays though) and come out to have some fun! I am slow, need to be poked into action...haha.

You were always there, when I could let out my frustrations and you'd listen.

When I was happy, and we'd both laugh at our silly jokes and sayings.
When I was down, you'd give encouragement and support.

Thanks for lending me your makeup the other day.

Thanks for coming to pick me up to pyramid for so many times!

Thanks for giving me some beauty tips (I actually look at how you do your makeup to improve! Muahahah) Sorry, don't freak out.

Well, just thank you for being my friend.

Thank you for being you and always being there.

I really enjoy the times when we're out together and we have loads of fun!!!

Does this post sound a bit weird? Hehe.

Remember the day that we met? Hahaha. Yes, you fell down and I was stuck behind bars. Hehe.

Seriously, I didn't know I had that courage to talk to you. Me, at 7... was pretty shy.

I asked how are you and from that day onwards, this beautiful friendship began.

I'd also like to apologise, if sometimes I've failed to be a good friend to you. It is not done on purpose, perhaps I was too busy that I forgot. But I will honestly try to be better.

And now,
A quick walk down memory lane through these two to three years.
In Kenny Roger's Pyramid. With May Ki.
In TGIF, the Curve. With Choong Yang... Yummy dessert!
During May Ki's birthday surprise!!! Hehe, we hid in your car...
In Zen Pyramid. Japanese food... yum!
Making faces in my home. Hahaha.
After my 21st birthday party. Thanks for coming. Appreciate it a lot.

Yum Cha at Leo's. With Ei-Leen and Fishball.

Just before our Primary school class gathering this year.

Finally, the latest one, before meeting Ei-Leen at the Curve last month!! Where you lent me your makeup!!

There are many, many photos more. These just represent the tip of the iceberg of the depth of our friendship.

And thus I shall now say,


To my dearest Chian Li!!!

May you have a wonderful year ahead! Lots of love. :)


chian said…
Chian Li goes "AAWWWWWWWW...."

That's sho sweet!

and creepy at the same time! Why did you keep all those photo of me?! Did you fell in love with me? *gasp*


Thanks for being my friend dear
Thanks for being there when I need to be heard
Thanks for laughing at my lame jokes :)

just thanks

Correction: we were 5 or 6..not 7!
Kath said…
What? As if you don't have those photos pula...hahaha. Yea, I'm a stalker...!

Oopss.. 5 ,6 years old..ok!

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