
Seriously, Chian will probably say why suddenly update so often again? Hehe.
And seriously, I myself do not know.
I am supposed to be studying... for my test this coming Friday... Sigh.

A jumble of emotions mixed together like some 'chau fan'.

Feeling very bla la...Help.

Don't believe everything that you hear or see. Really...
It will just cause crap to your life.
Get your information right from the source itself, not through some middle people.
I actually feel like telling what's going on...but but...I'm too a private person. (But I can tell you Chian! It's really hilarious and crazy.)
All I know is, I feel like laughing and crying at the same time.
Laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.
Cry at the absurdity of it too.
I didn't know this affect me that bad. I always waved it away. Now I know...

Well, anyway haha that's all!
All the best to everyone having any tests ya!

P/S: Not obliged to comment, just want to vent out some frus. But you can! :)


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