

This news really made my day. Ever!!! I am now laughing my butt off my chair. Almost.

Today, as I was chatting in MSN, a guy friend from my secondary school suddenly asked whether I'm seeing someone special.

So I asked him why.

He said a guy from his old college who knew him and apparently knew me also, said I was close to one chinese guy. Apparently very close.


So this friend of mine thinks I'm with this guy.

I asked who was the guy who told him this and was he sure I'm the right girl?

Well, from what he says, seems to be me for now.

Got my name almost right...except for the Chinese part. Misspelt.

Unfortunately, I cannot remember who the guy is...

Both, the guy who told my friend this news and the other I was supposedly seeing.

I have no idea how I suddenly become their 'bahan mulut' for discussion.

It's reall odd and funny. Hehe.

He got the info last year... I'm like...huh?

But my curiosity is really piqued now. I want to know more details..!!!


chian said…
ngah ngah getting famous now

Kath said…
No la! I don't know what's going on also now... :( Hahaha

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