Handbag and Sandals

Feeling super duper happy today.
Went to pyramid with Eileen to get something for a friend.

In the end, I also got something, no, somethings for myself. Hahaha. *Laughs heartily.*
Saw it first on Monday, when I was getting something for another friend. But didn't think much of it as my mind was more on my friend.

Besides, the price was something to think about.
Today, when I went back in, I thought, "What the heck?! How often do I splurge on myself?"
So went looking for it.
On monday, there were four of it.
Today, only one. Crap. Hahaha.
I grabbed it la...! That's why I'm so happy today. I only buy expensive things when I really really love it.

This is what I got for RM 66 which I was debating at first whether to get a Deja Vu Mascara for Rm 58.90 or this bag from Dorothy Perkins at RM66.

Looks like the bag won! Pretty is it not? My first big handbag. Ah!!! Clutching it and jumping around my room. Muah!

See this pair of sandals? I got it on the spur of the moment. The price was right, the colour was right and it was comfortable! Furthermore, I needed a flat heeled one so I won't go kink-konking in shopping mall escalators. Hahaha. And I can wear this to campus!!!

The brand of the sandals.. Don't know what brand la.. Can't afford high end ones yet.

Me, proudly showing my sandals once I reached home. Yay!!

And this? Nah, I didn't buy it. Eileen gave it to me from Langkawi. Absolut Vodka but the small version of 50 ml.. Cute hor? How to drink la? 40% alcohol.. Hmmm...


chian said…
nice haul! you're finally buying something for yourself besides earrings!! haha!

btw, i'd recommend maybelline hypercurl volume mascara for you. deja vu is too much of a trouble to use. it produces nice result, but need a lot of patience for it. and i used to get it at RM49.90 (smaller tube). Looks like they're not selling the smaller tube anymore.

i think that vodka is more for your collection lol. some people collect all flavours of it and put it on display.

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