Goodbye 2006

Christmas has come and gone! The year 2006 is just a few hours away from its retirement for ever... Thinking of this I begin to feel a bit nostalgic. I kind of enjoyed this year. I hope that the year 2007 will be something memorable and enjoyable as well. I am becoming 'emo' as I type all these down...

'Memorable moments' of 2006

January : My exmaid came over to stay for a month. Was waiting for her next employer to come. She took my bed and I had the floor. We had a bit of disagreements that still sticks in my mind.

February : I found a job that paid RM 10 per hour. Five days a week and five hours a day!

March : STPM results came out. Hmm... No As and no Cs la. A bit sad though. Who would not be?

April : Easter!!!

May: Applied to UTAR as backup plan. Got surprise call from them saying that I was accpeted. Had to quit my job that day itself..

June : Adapting to life in Uni after 13 years of life in government schools.. Announcement of acceptance into local Us.. Got KUKUM, kejuruteraan perhubungan.. What?!!

July : Walked back home from ktm Subang station. Not once but four times! No one to pick me.. *sniff* so sad... In the hot afternoon sun, carrying my heavy Uni stuff.

August : Having midterm tests... For all subjects.. Finding out that ppl do cheat and very unscrupulously.

September : Year end exams. Again, studying hard and getting used to the system of scoring. Also the beginning of my holiday/break.

October : Lazed around at home. Send food to my sister and send them to school.. everyday. Cleared up old and useless stuff.

November : Had a part time job in a Uni. Paid peanuts compared to first job. Went for Youth Alpah training all alone. No one from my church went, only me. :( But made great friends!

December : Christmas! My special time of the year. Wore punjabi clothes for midnight mass. Had a trip to penang... Had alcohol and then finding out that I am allergic to it..

Adios 2006! Sayonara!


chian said… gonna miss 2006 too! especially December 2006...*sob sob* i miss that December a LOT...

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