Booby Soup

In case you were wondering, does Kathleen mean 'booby trap'?

The answer is no and you'll know why soon enough. :)

Booby soup.
I'm sure us girls, as we hit puberty and continued growing from the awkward twelves through our teenage years and now on to our 20s, this lamentation would have popped up.

"I wish I had bigger boobs."
"Why so small one?"
"Fei Kei Cheong."

Then you would have HEARD of people giving you all sorts of so-called advice to enhance the size of your breasts...
Massage la... (-.-')
Drink papaya milk la... (-.-')
Silicone job la... (Really?)
And so on....

Well, ladies. I have something for you to try.
Papaya soup.

THE papaya soup. The elixir of our assets. Ha.

Hahaha. Ok, it's not really a breast enhancing soup. Not that I notice any changes yet anyway. :P
But. But, it increases the amount of milk produced by a breast-feeding mother. Yes, it does.
That's the whole purpose of the soup.
Especially vital for breast-feeding moms with limited milk supply.

The catch is, you have to use green papayas. Papayas that are not ripe yet. Don't get the orange ones. Won't work.

It's quite simple to make.
Bones for your soup stock and sliced papayas.
Tastes quite ok... something like your old cucumber soup.

And why I am drinking this, has nothing to do with increasing my breasts size.
Mom made it for E, extras are finished by the rest of us. Haha.

Guys, you can try this too. If you dare. :D

Oh, happy reunion and happy Chinese new year!!!

I'll be back.


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