Wasabi Danger

Do you like wasabi??? Honestly?

I like spicy food but wasabi takes that spiciness to a whole new level.
Ok, some people say that wasabi cannot be categorized as 'spicy'. Fine. *wrinkles nose*

I rarely take wasabi when I dine at Japanese restaurants or when I consume anything Japanese-y. Totes avoidance. Hahaha. But I decided to take some with my brunch today. Yea, sushi for brunch.

I forgot the one lesson in life. Everything in a small step.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I ate my sushi with a big dollop of wasabi paste.

And oh my gosh.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ow ow ow ow... I started crying!
Ahh!!! The pain the pain, the pain in my head. And my nose.
It's like I got punched! I was holding my head and tearing. Oh, how undignified....

Ow... *sniff*
Thank goodness I was in the shop when I was eating it. Nobody to witness it but me and the protein tubs. Hahaha. :D

On a positive note, it clears the airway so your nose is free to breathe again. Lol.

Wassup Obiwan Kenobi. Wasabi. Heh.



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