Don't Sweat It

Oh my golly gee whiz...
I have so many things on my mind which I want to write about but my fingers cannot keep up with my thoughts.

Now now, let's see.
Ah, yes.

I scolded my baby niece for the first time. Hahaha. She's a few months old but she can learn to differentiate a scolding tone and an endearment tone.
It was more of a loud "Eh" while looking sternly (as sternly as I could) at her.
Cause she was throwing tantrums and gave this sharp ear-piercing scream while I was carrying her.
She stopped fussing... hahaha. And who says Kathleen cannot scold a baby? :P

I am trying to learn about myself again. Don't we all?

Mom says I'm crazy at times. Why? Cause I sweat the small stuff, and when it comes to the big stuff, I'm as cool as a cucumber. Where got??
What she says:
- I was very nervous the night before my registration at UPM as a student. I didn't sleep the whole night. (small stuff)
- I travelled on my own in Bangkok, Thailand, a foreign country where English is only so-so, to look for a Catholic church to attend mass. (big stuff)
- I travelled on my own in Kota Kinabalu, legs hurting, also to look for church to attend mass and to wait out for the rest of the gang. (big stuff)
OK, fine. *goldfish mouth*

Going for Compassion Walk 2013 this Saturday. I don't really know what the agenda is, couldn't find anything. Only know that I will be walking around KL with other youths from other churches. Should be fun, enlightening and inspiring. I hope to learn something, about me, about God and about others.

Oh, and here's a little picture for you to reflect upon as you retire for the day, prepare for the weekend... and so forth.

May I start all over again? :)

God bless.


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