Just a Short Piece

I find it odd that my kids are rarely scared of me even when my face is all serious and stoic.
But when I am not smiling during classes or meetings, I get told to not be so serious.

I am just not smiling!!!
It doesn't mean I am being serious...
If I start smiling to myself, it will most probably be because I am thinking of something funny and not paying attention to what is going on.
I got told by my lecturer yesterday to not be so serious.
Honestly, I was struggling to keep awake. My eyelids were drooping so I suppose in my attempt to keep awake I must have looked fierce and serious. What-evs.

My kids never seem to see my serious side. Unless I start scolding... jeng jeng jeng.
I am not a serious person ok.
I just look it.

Sigh. Should make more funny faces then. :/

I feel so lonely!! This trimester, I only get to meet my close unimates once a week, compared to when we used to see each other three times a week.
We have all started to take up our specialisation subjects.
I'm the only one taking this area, the rest are all in finance and marketing.. Sad.
At least there's still once a week.... *contented smile*

Ok, gotta go bathe. I stink from the gym.


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