
Curiosity (dissected aka Kathleen style)

Curiosity is actually a great advertising tool.
People are naturally curious. They want to know about the things that happen around them. It may be in economics, businesses, nature, people, science, technology. Anything and everything at all. This is actually how we have all the different kinds of people working in different kinds of fields.
When people are curious, they will want to know about the things that they are naturally curious about.
Curiosity comes into play in advertising.
Can't remember when, but once had an event that was not fully explained, which was to take place in the Curve. It was something about two of their DJs being 'punished' by the boss (not sure). People were so curious about it, comments were everywhere about what was actually going to happen. The event was quite talked about during that time.
That is an advertisement.
It is free too!

The same goes for learning.
You have to be curious enough to learn.
You have to be curious enough to want to know.
When you want to know, you will go all out to find the answer.
When you finally have the answer, you learn something.
When there is no curiosity, there is no desire or thirst for knowledge.
Even if you have the knowledge, but you accept it with no curiosity, it will not stay long.
You learn because your curiosity is satisfied with the knowledge that you have searched for and obtained.
The feeling that you get from having your questions answered.... priceless.

They are extremely curious.
Everything little thing interests them.
They will ask and ask and ask until I can go crazy at times. Hahaha.
I learn from them.

Perhaps, we too as adults should start to ask questions and learn again. After all, we are never too old to learn.

So, ask away...!


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