A Dream

     This evening I woke up feeling very down, confused and lost. All because of a dream.
     I dreamt that I was someone else, not Kathleen as who I am now. My family consisted of people whom I do not know of in real life, yet in my dream I knew they were my family. I lived in a big house with a whole lot of other people who were family yet strangers.
     One day, I was feeling very uneasy so before we went off to bed, I asked a few people to double check the security of the house we lived in as a precaution. I remembered clearly in my dream that I even pulled at the grille doors to make sure that they were all locked, padlock and grille itself. At the same time, my feeling of uneasiness was growing.
     So I began to get some people in 'my family' to move to another section of the house to stay in, just for the night. (It was a super big house that was divided into two sections) Everyone moved to the other section except for two or three people who decided to stay put in the room that they were sleeping in. For the life of me, I cannot understand why, in the dream, I did not emphasize or force these people to move.
     I remember that as I was checking the grilles, I saw a few people outside the house who were not family. They were really strangers and I was very uneasy when I saw them as they were suspicious characters (Yet again, I did not call the police. Strangers in your garden eh..). So I made sure everything was locked up and we all went off to bed, including myself in the other section.
     The next morning, when I woke up, the two or three people who did not move to the other section had died. They were murdered by the suspicious characters whom I saw in the garden that evening. It was saddening and a shocking thing to discover. The suspicious characters were nowhere to be seen.
     I could not remember what happened thereafter but I think someone must have asked me about the survivors in the other section, why were they safe. I remember this part very, very vividly.
I said, "Only Father has the keys to that section of the house." Here, this struck me as odd as I don't call my father "Father", it's just daddy or dad or dy. The Father whom I have referred to would only be God. In the bible, we have verses that refer to the "Keys of God's kingdom"
     IT may be just a dream but certain things about it came as a personal message to me. Believe me, I do not have many of these messages and it only hit me that Father could be referring to God, as I told my mom about my dream cause it affected me a lot.
     It could be a personal message as there is something that I have been wondering about for a very long while. I have been praying about it but I never seem to be headed anywhere with it. It was just quiet.
     The reason I am writing this down is because of another 'weird' event. I shared my dream with my sister as well who said I should write it down as a dream journal. She (studying psychology) says it could refer to solutions for problems faced by the person in the waking world. Hahaha I didn't want to and didn't think of doing it.
     I then went to practise my reading for next Sunday's lector duty and as I was looking through my text, this short paragraph shocked me.
'Write the vision down, inscribe it on tablets to be easily read, since this vision is for its own time only: eager for its own fulfilment, it does not deceive; if it comes slowly, wait, for come it will, without fail.'
     This is just too many coincidences to happen at the same time to be said as something random or me being silly, oversensitive. Hence, I am writing this down here so that I can refer to it the next time. Wow, I can't believe how personal this is too.. haha.


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