Take Your Stand

This, is a letter

to the fence-sitters,
to the so-called neutrals and
to the so-what-I-don't-cares out there,

Hello, how are you?
I must say, what are YOU doing in our country if you belong to any of the categories above?!!

Get out. Please.
What do you mean it doesn't concern you?
Is taking 5 minutes of your 'precious' time just to vote in a span of 5 years THAT painful for you?
Why, you can spend that 5 minutes sleeping in is it?
Of course you can.

You can sleep when prices of necessities go up.
You can sleep when break-ins, robberies and snatch-thefts rate increase.
You can sleep when the poorer people get poorer and the richer people get richer, unfairly.
You can sleep when justice goes the other way round.
You can sleep when us Malaysians are no longer as important as our 'imported' brothers and sisters.
You can sleep when our country goes corrupt or worse, bankrupt.

For goodness sake.
You're a citizen aren't you?
It's your country.
It's the only time you get to have your say.
Please don't tell me, "Oh, I'm just one vote. I won't change anything."

Let me tell you something.
Oh, you poor fool!
By not voting, you have already cast your vote. Did you know that? Perhaps not.

Shame on you for saying such things.

You irk me more than the other people who do not share the same political views as me.
At least, they are taking their stand and putting in their say.

I do not care if you say, "I have my right to be neutral."
You gave up that right of yours away, the very minute you decided not to vote.

When our new government is formed, whatever it is, YOU NO LONGER HAVE ANY RIGHTS TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THEM.




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