May Updates

Yes, I have been blogging very badly.
It's just that I have been very very busy... Haven't been sleeping well too.
The anxiety of preparing for my classes for work scares me...hahaha.

Ok, let's see.
I just had my first week of my third semester. I will be dropping one subject, confirmed. :D It was a headache thinking of which subject to drop due to timing, my preference, the lecturers. But I finally decided on one. *You fickle-minded woman!*

Thank you God!!! :D I maintained my CGPA and I very very glad and happy AND relieved! Hahah.


Work-wise, I struggle to maintain that strictness I so often observe which is possessed by my seniors but not me. I am really really not strict enough. It *inhales* because I want to be fierce and for the kids to be scared of me! But they are not scared of me. Hmmm...

My kids run everywhere (the young ones, 5-6 years old), under the table, from one side of the room to the other. Sigh. Come back here!! Auntie Kathleen is going to scold. Eh. It's really not nice when my senior comes in and sees my kids under the table. -.-' I have less problems with my older kids as they more well-behaved...hahaha.

But, I received my first Teacher's Day card and gift from the kids. Heheh. It's a glass mug and a simple card. I was surprised by it! So sweet and adorable of them. :D

Thank God as well for helping me yesterday. I droppped my paid parking ticket in Tropicana City Mall. Nearly panicked looking for it as I couldn't find it at all. In the end, I walked back to where I came from. And I saw my parking ticket lying in the middle of the road, all crumply being squished by cars. Thank God!!!

Here's a food pic for you to enjoy. Dai Dai Roll... hahahaha.

Okies, that's all I have.
I have much much more but it's more enjoyable telling it in person.

Till next time!


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