You Never Know

Sometimes, you never know.

You never know that the person, with whom you are friends now, used to suffer from low self esteem.
She used to be depressed, felt worthless and could never learn to love herself.

She despised how she looked and wished truly with all her heart, how she could look just like other girls out there. Prettier, smarter, cooler.

She struggled with herself for years...

Going to school with only a cup of Milo for breakfast, resisting the urge to eat at recess, holding that hunger in check till she went home for lunch.

How she drastically cut down her rice intake at home, from one bowl to half to a quarter and sometimes to two thirds of it.

You never know what happened during her younger days, her history which she keeps hidden and untold, because of the humiliation and pain she endured.

You never know that the person, whom you have become friends with, work with, exercise with, chat with, yum cha with, was once ponited at and called ugly by the opposite sex. In a class.

Being laughed at by the OTHERS.

An incident which still remains so clearly in her mind.
Forgiveness? Yes. Forgetting? No.

You never know what each person has gone through to be where they are today. To have survived the bullying teen years.

You never know that that same person mentioned above could be yours truly.

You don't need to know.
But what you need to know is that she harbours no hatred, no anger. No ill thoughts against the other.
And that she, has a greater life to look forward to with plenty of love in her heart to share.

P/S: I don't know your stories either. :) Care to share?


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