To Love and Be Loved

"Robert Frost wrote, Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.”

There is some truth in that. We all want to be loved but just do not how to do it.
However, to truly allow someone to love you all barriers have to be dropped. Walls must be broken down. You must allow yourself to be vulnerable.
I detest my vulnerability. Again, I am a coward.
I don’t like to let people in.
I don’t want them to know that I am worn out; I am tired; I am jaded.
I have been hurt one too many times.
I have misjudged what love really is one too many times.
Ultimately, my inability to let those who would love me into the deepest core of my being is based on my fear that this will result in my loss. "

My sentiments exactly....
The writer above literally took the words out of my mouth.
Enough said. :)

God bless.


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