A Rosary Letter

Dear major players of the fashion industry,

One thing I have to say to you, you guys (and girls, of course) have really changed the fashion trends that goes on around the world. Be it the Korean wave, Japanese, Ethnic, Hippie, 90's etc style, you got it, you cash in on it and you make it big.

However, I dislike one of your current and upcoming (I fear) trends. Not in the clothes aspect, but the accessories. You know, the bling blings that girls (and some guys) adorn themselves with, some glittering so bright that it outshines the natural beauty these girls have....

I don't care about the bling blings. BUT I care about this.

Do you know what this is?

This, is what Catholic Christians call, the Rosary. It is used by us in some of our daily/weekly/monthly prayers. THIS is our prayer beads. It is sacred and meaningful to us, as we reflect on Jesus's life and our own.

Why did I bring this up?

You people have started using this as a FASHION accessory.
Walk into Cotton On. Go to their counter and check out the accessories for sale. In fact, it is not the first retail fashon store I have observed selling these.

It is not meant to be worn as a necklace, with the crucifix dangling in between somebody's boobs or pecs.
It is not meant to be a a fashion statement, "Oh look, I'm so cool, I have the latest accessroy."
It is not meant to be worn to attract attention.


Come on. You guys are not the major players in the fashion indsutry for nothing (Oh ya, you exploit too huh?). Use your creativity, be innovative. I am sure you can come up with so many more brilliant ideas to expand your influence, with style. Pun intended.

I am not being a prude or a goody two-shoed person or whatever names, people like to give to Christians. I just find it disrespectful.

That's not the way to evangelise or to spread our religion, you know...

So, please. Don't be lazy and steal other people's "design". Get your own. Don't think badly of yourself.

Yours sincerely,


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