Drama Series

One reason why I don't like sitting in front of the idiot box.
I become an idiot. -.-'

An idiot who is addicted to drama series... Help.
One episode and I am hooked. How can this be??

I remember during secondary school , Form 6 and University, I followed a lot of different series.
Thai series, Japanese series, Indonesian series, Filipino series, Taiwanese Hokkien series, Spanish series and last but not least, the Korean series.
Hehehe. See how well diversified I am? *Bleah*

By the way, I followed all of them on TV.
No downloading on the computer from the internet, no cheating by jumping to the last episode to see who ends up with who and no staying up till the wee hours of the morning just to see that girl or guy you're rooting for get kissed.

I vigilantly followed the series, everyday or weekends, for that ONE  hour. Eesh.
Internet is so much more fun now isn't it? ;)

But yeah, I haven't been following any series much, except my Monday ones. :) Crime day. Oo yeah..!
Till recently...Sigh. Tis is a trap!

I remember some of the series being 20+ episodes (The Princess - Thai, GTO - Japanese, Stained Glass - Korean). These were easy to keep up with. Less useless drama, great storyline and Ooh La La actors. (By that, I meant hunks. Not, "Oh! Lala..." > shellfish).

The Princess (Thai)

Then there were the series that lasted for 100+ episodes... I kid you not. One wonders how I manage to patiently follow every darn episode for months!
(La Usurpadora - Spanish, A Mother's Love - Taiwanese Hokkien)

The Spanish one was full of drama, cat fight la, dog fight la, "kan cheong" music playing as the antagonist and the protagonist give each other THE eye. It's like every episode will reveal some hidden secret happening among the characters. But the girls were beautiful!

La Usurpadora (Spanish/Mexican)
The Taiwanese one? Wa beh hiao la. This series can last through 3 generations!!! All involved in the same issue. My goodness. And the funny thing is, the characters are played by recurring actors. For example: Zac plays the grandfather (with makeup) who dies halfway through the series, he comes back later to play that old man's great grandson. Is Taiwan having a shortage of talents?

Stained Glass (Korean)

I cannot remember why I followed all the above, but I enjoyed it.
At least I got to pick up a few foreign words here and there....Hahaha. Seriously!

In Indon, the word 'bisa' means boleh in Melayu.
Tagalog has Spanish influence and English as well. So you could actually understand them without depending too much on the subtitles.

Oh ya, not forgetting our favourite and loved TVB Hong Kong dramas. Hahaha. These dramas helped me a lot in my picking up of the Cantonese dialect. Honestly. :)

I don't want to be a drama addict.... *shakes heads vigorously*

GTO (Japanese)

Referring to the picture above,
"Are you a drama addict? Don't let Onizuka get you!'



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